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Violent riots and looting in UK

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There is a problem here. People are smashing the place up. Many doing this are from immigrant communities, many aren't - but still the city is being wrecked.


I see that as the problem, not where the parents or grandparents of the looters were born. Some sick minds have little interest in anything other than trying to associate crime exclusively with black people.


(And I didn't make any claims about the Daily Mail's photos).

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Read the thread, it's what BritPat and shims have been discussing for hours!


Then ask your ever so intelligent self who just chirps in, why did shims do that post, what was he indicating, c'mon, tell him to get back under his rock... Then you join him!


From what i have read you and a few others on this thread are making this into an ethnicity issue, these rioters/looters are scum and deserve locking up but certain posters including yourself are making an issue about ethnicity. Shims is obviously going to retaliate as he is black himself and some of the posts on here are quite offensive to put it mildly.

Why can't people see beyond ethnicity instead of making a big issue out of it?

I live in a house not under a rock by the way.

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