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Violent riots and looting in UK

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Whites don't seem to riot everytime one of their own is shot, even when they have no connection to gangs, guns or drug dealing.


Perhaps that's because the Met wasnt classed as being institutionally racist towards white people.

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Read the thread, it's what BritPat and shims have been discussing for hours!


Then ask your ever so intelligent self who just chirps in, why did shims do that post, what was he indicating, c'mon, tell him to get back under his rock... Then you join him!


My Bold=

It's a public forum isn't it?

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From what i have read you and a few others on this thread are making this into an ethnicity issue, these rioters/looters are scum and deserve locking up but certain posters including yourself are making an issue about ethnicity. Shims is obviously going to retaliate as he is black himself and some of the posts on here are quite offensive to put it mildly.

Why can't people see beyond ethnicity instead of making a big issue out of it?

I live in a house not under a rock by the way.


Show me where I have made an issue about ethnicity, where I actually point a finger. I'm pointing out facts in whoever presents them!


Rock / house, that's your daft line kid!

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Come on! - Be consistent! In an earlier post you were complaining about inflation. Inflation reduces the real value of student loans, doesn't it?
The current loans will accrue interest and the interest rate is set 3% higher than RPI.


You want free land, too? You live in a city, don't you? Sheffield (like most other cities) has seen an increasing population and a marked reduction of land available for allotments during the last 40 or 50 years. Where is all the land for allotments going to come from? - Nobody is making any more land.


An allotment is a smallholding for a person to grow food upon, it is a very efficient form of land use, allotments are more productive than modern farms. They just require more labour...


Farm owners receive massive state subsidies, why shouldn't poor people be allowed to RENT a small plot of land?


'Denied the ability to work for themselves'? Really? When did that change? Who introduced a law saying "You may not be self-employed?" and how did that law get through Parliament?


You not heard of 'red tape', a week's job labouring on a construction site for minimum wage requires a CSCS card. It can be purchased for £35, but many on the dole don't have the cash up front so enroll on a training course via A4E etc.

I saw a minimum wage cleaning job yesterday requiring an enhanced CRB and a credit check.


Even the poorest UK citizen has a far easier life than more than 90% of the people on the planet.

That's true, but the inequality over here is astounding.


We seem to import people to further increase the inequality. But life isn't improving for the working classes here, it's only improving for the rich off of the backs of others both here and elsewhere.

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