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Violent riots and looting in UK

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All he did was use shims statement and restate it in a different order, but it basically has the same meaning.


No, that's not what he did. He implied that blacks are somehow inherently more likely to be mentally ill than white people which is clearly not the case.

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No, that's not what he did. He implied that blacks are somehow inherently more likely to be mentally ill than white people which is clearly not the case.


Go back,he's quoted shims original statement, where shim stated it as a fact. Personally I was going to ask for a reference, but he doesn't really do those...

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Come on! - Be consistent! In an earlier post you were complaining about inflation. Inflation reduces the real value of student loans, doesn't it?


The current loans will accrue interest and the interest rate is set 3% higher than RPI.


Does that apply to loans under the current scheme, or will it apply also to loans under next year's higher rate?


When I left school, university education fees (for undergraduate degrees) were paid by the LEA (indeed, you could even get subsistence grants) but then again, then percentage of school-leavers who went to University was far lower (somewhere in the region of 5-10%.) There were a number of people - albeit a small number - who studied arts and the humanities, but all courses were academically challenging, and the very idea that universities should offer less-challenging courses to prevent poorly-qualified students from failing would've been total anathema!


The percentage of school leavers going to university has increased dramatically during the past 50 years, but I suspect that the percentage of university students reading so-called 'hard' subjects, such as sciences, mathematics, medicine and engineering has fallen dramatically. It may be that there are numerically even fewer physics (for example) students at university today than there were say, 40 years ago.


Doctors' fees in the US tend to be very high - for 3 major reasons:

1. The medical profession (allegedly) controls the number of places at medical schools.

2. The high cost of malpractice insurance and

3. The significant tuition fee debts owed by young graduate doctors.


If students in the UK are going to have to pay high tuition fees (and very high interest rates on the sums owed) then they are going to have to charge high fees/earn higher salaries. That will mean that the nation pays more for those graduates it wants and those it doesn't need - the underwater basket weavers, alpine flower arrangers etc - will either have to be exempted or will eventually realise their degree courses were not cost-effective.


An allotment is a smallholding for a person to grow food upon, it is a very efficient form of land use, allotments are more productive than modern farms. They just require more labour...


Farm owners receive massive state subsidies, why shouldn't poor people be allowed to RENT a small plot of land?


I'm qute familiar with allotments. How many vacant allotments are there in Sheffield? Are there very many farms within the city? Sheffield has (no doubt) grown considerably during the past 40 or 50 years. More people and less land available to grow food.


If you really want to rent some land, then I've no doubt you could find a farmer willing to rent a plot of land to you ... but you might have to travel a fair distance to get there.


As you said, allotments require more labour than do large-scale farms. If (and according to a BBC programme last year that is the case) British workers are unwilling to work as labourers in the agricultural industry (apparently they were far less productive than the Eastern European workers they replaced for the programme) How many peple do you think would actually be prepared to cultivate an allotment?


'Denied the ability to work for themselves'? Really? When did that change? Who introduced a law saying "You may not be self-employed?" and how did that law get through Parliament?


You not heard of 'red tape', a week's job labouring on a construction site for minimum wage requires a CSCS card. It can be purchased for £35, but many on the dole don't have the cash up front so enroll on a training course via A4E etc.


If the job on the building site is skilled or semi-skilled, is it so unreasonable that the employer should require the employee to be trained?


I saw a minimum wage cleaning job yesterday requiring an enhanced CRB and a credit check...


No doubt you did. if the owner of a commercial enterprise is going to allow even minimum-wage workers to have access to his/her premises with minimal supervision, are you surprised that he might require the firm providing those workers to guarantee that they will not misbehave? Would such a firm have to pay a very high insurance premium to 'bond 'its workers if they did not have CRB and credit checks?


Even the poorest UK citizen has a far easier life than more than 90% of the people on the planet.


That's true, but the inequality over here is astounding.


We seem to import people to further increase the inequality. But life isn't improving for the working classes here, it's only improving for the rich off of the backs of others both here and elsewhere.


I suggest that the way for poor people to become comparatively richer is to get jobs which are better paid. Such jobs are likely to require higher qualifications. there's no evidence to suggest that the most menial jobs are likely to move up the comparative payscale, particularly when there are more than enough applicants for those jobs.


If the employers can't get local workers they will try to import them; if they can't import cheap workers, they will probably export the jobs. If they don't export the jobs, then those customers in the UK (the very same people who complained about imported cheap labour) will probably be quite happy to boycott higher-priced locally-produced merchandise and to buy cheap imports.


At one time, you could buy British-made TV sets, British-made Cameras, British-made Cars, British-made Cutlery ... 'Made in Britain' meant 'High quality'.


Then the British people discovered cheap imports. That was nothing to do with the Tories (or any other political party.) If British companies are going to be able to compete with foreign companies, then their total costs are going to have to be similar.

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Sorry, not letting you off with that one - you claim, not just that blacks are over-represented within the mental health system, but that they are 'disproportionately mentally challenged'. What do you mean?


Err lets find a simple enough explanation for you.


Your guru shims asserts that blacks are over represented in the mental health system.


Assuming that Shims is right (admittedly not an assumption to be made lightly) one either concludes that there are


1)lots of free mental health budgets generously donated to blacks for free


2)Gangs of racist doctors seeking to waste money institutionalising blacks without reason (conspiracy theory anyone?)


3)Disproportionate number of blacks with mental health challenges.


I trust that this has helped, if not tough.

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No, that's not what he did. He implied that blacks are somehow inherently more likely to be mentally ill than white people which is clearly not the case.


Ethnicity, rates of mental illness and admission to psychiatric hospitals

Both past and recent research suggests that some groups – notably Black Caribbean, Black African and other Black groups – are over-represented in psychiatric hospitals. [7]


The high number of African Caribbean people being diagnosed with schizophrenia is well documented, with some studies reporting between two to eight times higher rates of diagnosis compared to the White population. [8]




I dont know if its relevant, but it may clarify the argument..

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