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Violent riots and looting in UK

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If you're talking about me, you've no idea whether I 'do' references or not. I doubt you do. You can't even get the meaning from a simple post.


LOL, yes I can, it's called teacher training and studying your postings...

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Despite the advances in race relations over recent years, many people still perceive blacks as more dangerous and threatening than whites.

Many white members of the psychiatric services still don't properly understand the cultural norms and perceptions of the black community.

An ex-colleague of mine working in psychiatry produced a piece of academic research which established that blacks displaying very similar symptoms as whites were more likely to be sectioned and forcibly medicated than whites.


My own personal experience as a worker in psychiatry over twenty years also supports this view.


Why do you think this is? What evidence or experience do you base your views on?


Many people don't section people be they black or white though do they?


Doctors, Psychiatrists and AMPH's section people, they are amongst the most liberally educated in the Nation and yet they too are exacting racist oppression on blacks ?

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Err lets find a simple enough explanation for you.


Your guru shims asserts that blacks are over represented in the mental health system.


Assuming that Shims is right (admittedly not an assumption to be made lightly) one either concludes that there are


1)lots of free mental health budgets generously donated to blacks for free


2)Gangs of racist doctors seeking to waste money institutionalising blacks without reason (conspiracy theory anyone?)


3)Disproportionate number of blacks with mental health challenges.


I trust that this has helped, if not tough.




Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health chief executive Angela Greatley said the inequalities which had been laid bare were "shocking".


"This is a glaring inequality in health care.


"African and Caribbean people are being admitted to hospital as a first resort before other courses of action are considered."

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So if it were true, so what?


exactly, so what


They are mainly black, so what, how dare you notice, never mind mention it, you racist scum.

These poor people can't afford to eat, they live on the streets, they have no money, why are they rioting? its not their fault its the nasty white mans fault.

*Ignores the £400 i-phones and brand new clothes most of em seem to have.


***sticks fingers in ears******* LaLaLaLaLaLa can't hear you racist LaLaLaLaLa


Un ****ing real you could not make it up.


On another note I can't understand why anyones surprised its been coming for years, and its gonna spread and get worse, just watch.

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