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Is it wrong to for an adult to kick a dog thats threatening the children?

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My child - make sure child is safe first then ? to owner.

If my dog and it really happened have put down,except it wouldn't so would probably kick parent in face in retaliation; or **** up in either case and end up in hospital myself.


Have you been drinking?! :confused::suspect:

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That I would call the police on a man who had been shown to be violent in public? Yeah - that makes me insane :) God bless you, though! It's a bit scary that some people think violence is ok, but then I guess it is a hard world out there, and many people don't mind a bit of aggression as they see it around them so often... Perhaps I just mix with people who are a bit more level?


A bit more level what?

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You obviously don't know about dog/pack behavior.

When wolves/wild pack dogs attack a larger prey they circle and look for the vulnerable spot which is often in elks/large deer etc the Hamstring. .


Even Jack Russels nip at cows ankles.

Never mind cows, I've had a jack russel (and several other small dogs) attack my ankle and trouser legs, can't particularly remember kicking them but I'm sure I will have had to to get them away. The smaller the dog (or rather the bigger the prey) then your going to get them circling you and grabbing your leg to try take you down, the small ones are the worst ones for it when it comes to ankle biting.
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The entire argument boils down to this. Many people don't recognise canine body language - frankly, why would they if they don't own a dog? - and behaviour which is not actually threatening, might appear to be so.


A dog which intended to attack wouldn't be running round in circles, it would go straight in and attack. But the father can't necessarily be blamed for not knowing that.


My bold.

Actualy your wrong on that one.

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i had this happen with my 3 year old and a little jack Russell type dog, we were walking down a street and the dog come out of a front garden so i put my daughter to the other side of me and carried on and then it went nuts, charged at her trying to bite her face and legs and stuff i grabbed her and picked her up luckily i had my partner with me so he held the dog back while we escaped. the dog didn't go for him or me though just my daughter :huh:

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The other day we were in the park, when a man was playing a throw and catch game with his toddler daughter.


A dog then came charging up to the toddler and father, the toddler was then frightened and ran to its father. The dog then began circling the pair and the little girl became increasingly frightened (the dogs owner was not too bothered about this - as he was texting away).


The father of the toddler then kicked the dog pretty hard in the dogs face, to which the dog startled, ran back to its owner, to which the dog's owner then began ranting about "calling the police".


I kind of understand why the father kicked the dog, but then surely the dog should have been controlled by its owner. It seems to me the dog took the punishment due to its owners negligence.


What would you have done in this situation


I would do anything to protect my children so yes I would have done the same.


I am an animal lover but my children ALWAYS come first.

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But there's no evidence that the dog in the OP was an aggressive animal. Nobody bothered to find that out.


Well said, you must wait until the dog has its teeth round your kids throat.:loopy:

What realistic people know is that a dog circling its prey is reverting to instinct and looking for the optimum point of attack.

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i had this happen with my 3 year old and a little jack Russell type dog, we were walking down a street and the dog come out of a front garden so i put my daughter to the other side of me and carried on and then it went nuts, charged at her trying to bite her face and legs and stuff i grabbed her and picked her up luckily i had my partner with me so he held the dog back while we escaped. the dog didn't go for him or me though just my daughter :huh:
Natural basic instinct once again as it percieved the child to be the easiest prey.
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Never mind cows, I've had a jack russel (and several other small dogs) attack my ankle and trouser legs, can't particularly remember kicking them but I'm sure I will have had to to get them away. The smaller the dog (or rather the bigger the prey) then your going to get them circling you and grabbing your leg to try take you down, the small ones are the worst ones for it when it comes to ankle biting.

Agree, once dogs are running free they revert to their inbred basic instinct/behavior.

Border collies circle not because they've been trained to but the fact that use has been made of their basic instincts.

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