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Is it wrong to for an adult to kick a dog thats threatening the children?

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Which agressive dog are we talking about ? No-one has said there was one.

The Title. (the thing at the top)

Is it wrong to for an adult to kick a dog thats threatening the children?



showing or saying that someone is likely to do something that will harm you


I would say that equates to aggression.

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More fool you, any child in your care has a lot to worry over then.


Its instinct to protect your child when confronted with anything of an unpredictable nature that invades your space, man, woman or beast.


A child has every right to feel protected and if your the sort of parent/person to let a child get worried by a dog when you can do something about it then its negligent, cruel and should be a shameful.

No one is saying anything to look 'ard' or shouldn't be, people speak from the heart when it comes to the protection of children, they act and later worry about the outcome of those actions.

No one knows the full picture of what went off bar the OP, but the title of the topic is about protecting a child from a dog with 'threatening' behavior, so what else do you want people to talk about ? Parents are going to show empathy for the OP.


Just look at the links and the statistics about dogs biting children and tell me its worth the risk.

Well all of my children have survived to adulthood without being "worried" and we always had dogs and more than one at a time so my parenting can't have been that bad can it, so no need to feel too sorry for my kids at all.

I have never felt that my kids (or me) were in a situation of being in danger from any dog be it my own or anyone Else's and feel perfectly competent to cope if it was thank you very much...I just don't buy into all of the scare mongering and images of dogs with slavering jaws and have a feeling that the thread has been engineered to fit just that image.


I don't need to see the links, I'm sure that its nothing that I've not seen before and I tend to go more on personal experience than faceless data where I cannot see how things really happened.

If push came to shove I would defend my child as anyone would but rushing to the attack would not be the first thing that I would do, you just don't know how that will turn out, perhaps you would escalate the situation...perhaps your kids may be the ones in danger from your behavior.

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I really don't give a hoot whether I appear to be 'looking hard' or not, my childrens safety comes first. I don't care if it was a dog, cat, person or tree that threatened my children. I am not going to go all PC about it 'not the dogs fault it's the owner', the dog is the one which would be threatening my children and the dog will be the first to feel the impact of my size 11 steel toecap. I assume you would allow your child to get bitten, with all the risks that that entails rather than hurt the poor pooch, after all it's not the dogs fault.


Here comes the three day ban for arguing with a moderator!!! :rolleyes:


Exactly the reason mods should not be allowed to participate in actual topics on here, as it is a conflict of interest. But that's something for another time.


I fully agree with you, it's the safety of your own that comes first. The same way other species on this planet act, it is the natural and correct way to behave.

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Exactly the reason mods should not be allowed to participate in actual topics on here, as it is a conflict of interest. But that's something for another time.


I fully agree with you, it's the safety of your own that comes first. The same way other species on this planet act, it is the natural and correct way to behave.


Err excuse me who have I banned? I am entitled to post as is every other member of the forum, I am a mod yes so what? I am also a member and entitled to speak my own opinion, I have done no moderating on this thread at all.


Yes be safe but think about how you go about it, striking first is not always the best way.

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If push came to shove I would defend my child as anyone would...

See it wasn't hard to understand where people are coming from is it ?


No one has done anything like what you have said, you must have selective reading.

The only person who is exaggerating whats been said with your 'slavering jaws' and stuff, try reading the posts, people have stated no more than they would be willing to kick a dog to defend their child. All the rest is just proof that dogs are what they are, all facts, but your not interested in facts (which is scary with you being a moderator).

Why would you not look at my links, you don't even know what they are about. I put it to you that they are far more than 'faceless data', from reliable sources and varied sources at that so you cant even pull it for that. Don't take my word for it look at the facts and stop over sensationalizing what people have said.

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See it wasn't hard to understand where people are coming from is it ?


No one has done anything like what you have said, you must have selective reading.

The only person who is exaggerating whats been said with your 'slavering jaws' and stuff, try reading the posts, people have stated no more than they would be willing to kick a dog to defend their child. All the rest is just proof that dogs are what they are, all facts, but your not interested in facts (which is scary with you being a moderator).

Why would you not look at my links, you don't even know what they are about. I put it to you that they are far more than 'faceless data', from reliable sources and varied sources at that so you cant even pull it for that. Don't take my word for it look at the facts and stop over sensationalizing what people have said.


Oh don't be so condescending it really doesn't help does it.

I am well aware of facts believe me (oh and yet again being a moderator is brought into the discussion for some reason, surprise surprise, sorry for being a moderator and sorry that I have a differing opinion please do forgive me).

The thing is, I can see both sides, I always could, I just think that going in to the attack in such a way is foolish.

I have not seen the links and I am not going to start now at this time but tell you what I will look tomorrow hows that? I have honestly looked at lots of links about dog attacks, but without seeing what happened then how can you be getting the full story you are just getting the news of the end result.

I am not trying to be PC or any of that I am just trying to point out that no one knows the facts of what happened, or if anything actually did happen at all, but people seem very quick to jump on the anti dog/dogs are dangerous band waggon, just all seems a bit pointless somehow in the circumstances.

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This is (or may be) a bit of a biased thread. We've heard from the child's parent, but we haven't heard anything from the dog's owner. (That may not be possible.)


I have 2 dogs. My dogs have never bitten anybody (though the little one isn't too happy if you prod his gut - he snarls.)


I am responsible for my dogs and I do have liability insurance.


Should one of my dogs attack a child, I would have the dog put down. Kids are valuable.


My dogs are valuable, too.


Should a person who is unfamiliar with dogs (and perhaps scared of them) attack my dogs - Kick a dog - then I would treat that person in much the same way that he treated my dog.


Apart from the fact that I would expect the person to exercise reasonable restraint and should he decide to kick my dog merely because he was 'concerned' about it, I would treat that kick as a personal assault and kick the crap out of him.


If my dog hadn't actually attacked anybody, but he had committed a grave assault and attacked something within my charge, would that be unreasonable?


If my dog should attack a child - kick the dog.


If you merely THINK that my dog is going to attack a child and you kick the dog, I will kick the crap out of you. I will defend the dog to the same extent that you would defend the child. I am entitled to do so.


Even animals have rights.


I am well aware that there are significant numbers of people living in Sheffield who do not share the typical 'English' attitude towards animals. People who consider animals - and particularly dogs - to be 'unclean.'


I am making neither suggestions nor assumptions. I do however suspect - from the comment about the dog running around the child - that the dog was not being particularly aggressive. If a dog wants to attack, it attacks. - It does not run around its potential victim.


If a dog runs around a person, it probably wants to play.

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If you merely THINK that my dog is going to attack a child and you kick the dog, I will kick the crap out of you. I will defend the dog to the same extent that you would defend the child. I am entitled to do so.


So you would have a parent stand and wait for a dog to attack a child before taking any action?


I would defend any dog i own just the same as you but not everyone is comfortable around dogs and we need to recognise that fact. When we let our dogs run around in public we should always be mindful of exactly what they are doing and who they are approaching.

Personally, i never let my old Staffy run up to anyone. This was simply due to her being incredibly fussy and knowing for a fact how painful her nails could be when jumping all over someone.

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