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Is it wrong to for an adult to kick a dog thats threatening the children?

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So you would have a parent stand and wait for a dog to attack a child before taking any action?


I would defend any dog i own just the same as you but not everyone is comfortable around dogs and we need to recognise that fact. When we let our dogs run around in public we should always be mindful of exactly what they are doing and who they are approaching.

Personally, i never let my old Staffy run up to anyone. This was simply due to her being incredibly fussy and knowing for a fact how painful her nails could be when jumping all over someone.


Not at all. - Actually, I don't let my dogs loose around children until I am satisfied that the kids are going to be safe with the dogs. I am indeed mindful of what the dogs are doing (and I'm very aware that dogs shouldn't be peeing and pooing where small children play.) I wouldn't even consider letting my dogs off a lead in a piddly little park.


I am concerned, however, by the almost hysterical response from an 'adult' who is worried that his child 'might' have been (but was not) attacked by a dog in a public place. I was also somewhat surprised by the number of posters who seemed to assume that the dog was aggressive.


If a dog is going to attack you, it will attack you - it's not going to run round and round you. The fact that 'not all people are comfortable around dogs' (and I'm well aware of that) is not a licence to attack dogs.


Dogs can bite. So can children. I've had dogs for about 57 years and I've been bitten (nipped - none of them drew blood) 3 times. I've had kids (one) for 25 years and I've been bitten (not just by him) very many times. :hihi::hihi:


Dogs - Unless they have been mistreated, or trained to bite, or are insane, or infected - tend not to bite.


Dogs tend to protect kids - not attack them.


I don't think dogs should be allowed off a leash in Sheffield parks. - Not because dogs are dangerous, but because if they are off the leash, the owners probably won't pick up the dog poop.

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Not at all. - Actually, I don't let my dogs loose around children until I am satisfied that the kids are going to be safe with the dogs. I am indeed mindful of what the dogs are doing (and I'm very aware that dogs shouldn't be peeing and pooing where small children play.) I wouldn't even consider letting my dogs off a lead in a piddly little park.


I am concerned, however, by the almost hysterical response from an 'adult' who is worried that his child 'might' have been (but was not) attacked by a dog in a public place. I was also somewhat surprised by the number of posters who seemed to assume that the dog was aggressive.


If a dog is going to attack you, it will attack you - it's not going to run round and round you. The fact that 'not all people are comfortable around dogs' (and I'm well aware of that) is not a licence to attack dogs.


Dogs can bite. So can children. I've had dogs for about 57 years and I've been bitten (nipped - none of them drew blood) 3 times. I've had kids (one) for 25 years and I've been bitten (not just by him) very many times. :hihi::hihi:


Dogs - Unless they have been mistreated, or trained to bite, or are insane, or infected - tend not to bite.


Dogs tend to protect kids - not attack them.


I don't think dogs should be allowed off a leash in Sheffield parks. - Not because dogs are dangerous, but because if they are off the leash, the owners probably won't pick up the dog poop.


Now on this post i think we are in total agreement.


I agree that there are way too many knee jerk reactions in this thread. Pretty dangerous to a certain extent.

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Law school? - Fam. Lamnidae are renowned for biting.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


Are you a parent? If so, have you never received a complaint about your offspring biting?


Or an apology because other kids bit your kids?


Fact of life. Nowadays, people make a fuss about it, but kids bite!

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Now on this post i think we are in total agreement.


I agree that there are way too many knee jerk reactions in this thread. Pretty dangerous to a certain extent.


This is what I have been trying to say but obviously my "title" voids anything that I have to say :rolleyes:


It wasn't even the Op's child, they were apparently just bystanders to this event, not worth getting worked up about I reckon.

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This is what I have been trying to say but obviously my "title" voids anything that I have to say :rolleyes:


It wasn't even the Op's child, they were apparently just bystanders to this event, not worth getting worked up about I reckon.

So someone makes a topic up and you don't want it discussed ?


Whats the point about it being about a third party, the question is hypothetical anyhow, if you think its ok to kick a dog that you deem to be threatening. People were quick to come on and suggest you shouldn't so what is it that gets you about people that would ?


I asked you to look at the statistics of how many children get bitten yearly, the links I had to put up because someone against defending yourself against dogs played down what could happen, did you look or don't you care ?


You were the first to come on and escalate the language and talk of frothing teeth and stuff that no one had mentioned, you came on to sensationalize what should be a serious and easy question to answer whether people agree on it or not.


Does it really matter if the OP is here ? or if they were a third party ?

Loads of topics on here are written by third parties, do you think those topics need ignoring ?

Why should mine or someone elses opinion be worth less than your own or the people you happen to agree with ?


I care not if your a mod like others have mentioned, to me your just another person with an opinion, one that I happen to thing your wrong about, but your entitled to it so please don't belittle other peoples


I put up facts and people are still in denial about dogs and are still keep to make out that people should not take precaution with them or responsibility for them, when the statistics of what can happen are there to see. Google it like I did if you think I am making stuff up to make a point.


I love dogs but I love my kids more and if one is putting my kids about by its presence around us, off a lead, then I reserve the right to shoe it off so to speak.

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There are two words that some folk appear to be getting mixed up, these are:-


Training and Restraint


A dog that is permanently kept on a lead when away from it's home is untrained, restraint is the lazy persons alternative to training. Looking at recent events, it's a pity that they don't do the same with their kids as they would have us do with our dogs.

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There are two words that some folk appear to be getting mixed up, these are:-


Training and Restraint


A dog that is permanently kept on a lead when away from it's home is untrained, restraint is the lazy persons alternative to training. Looking at recent events, it's a pity that they don't do the same with their kids as they would have us do with our dogs.

Agree totally, not keeping your kids under control is what has brought about the riots, no one is disputing that, that's another topic.


But I take your point, and its why I know what my kids are up to and keep control of them, Its the lazy people on here we are talking of that think its ok for pets to be let off and care not how it may affect others. Then come the people apparently excusing it. (not suggesting yourself)

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So someone makes a topic up and you don't want it discussed ?

I didn't say that I didn't want it discussed at all, I was just suggesting that it may not be all that it seems and may not be worth getting het up about.

Whats the point about it being about a third party, the question is hypothetical anyhow, if you think its ok to kick a dog that you deem to be threatening. People were quick to come on and suggest you shouldn't so what is it that gets you about people that would ?

Fair enough if you think it worth getting worked up about an hypothetical question thats up to you.

The only thing that "gets me" about the people that would kick the dog is that there may have been no need and they may actually end up causing the very thing that they are afraid of, I really don't know how I can say that any more clearly.

I asked you to look at the statistics of how many children get bitten yearly, the links I had to put up because someone against defending yourself against dogs played down what could happen, did you look or don't you care ?

Not looked yet no, but then I bet lots of other people posting haven't either.

You were the first to come on and escalate the language and talk of frothing teeth and stuff that no one had mentioned, you came on to sensationalize what should be a serious and easy question to answer whether people agree on it or not.

Fair enough I did that, but at the other side of the coin people were also coming across very strongly about kicking dogs or it read that way to me, it came across as really aggressive, just didn't seem necessary.

Does it really matter if the OP is here ? or if they were a third party ?

Loads of topics on here are written by third parties, do you think those topics need ignoring ?

Depends what they are about, obviously everyone will decide that for themselves.

Why should mine or someone elses opinion be worth less than your own or the people you happen to agree with ?

Where did I say that? I don't think that I did, where as I get the distinct impression that I should shut up and go away for daring to express mine.

I care not if your a mod like others have mentioned, to me your just another person with an opinion, one that I happen to thing your wrong about, but your entitled to it so please don't belittle other peoples

Oh good.

I have not belittled anyone's opinions as far as I am aware, merely said that I don't agree.

I put up facts and people are still in denial about dogs and are still keep to make out that people should not take precaution with them or responsibility for them, when the statistics of what can happen are there to see. Google it like I did if you think I am making stuff up to make a point.

I am definitely not in denial about dogs and I have a hell of a lot of experience with them, if I perceived that a dog was dangerous I would certainly take precautions.

I have never said or even thought that you were making it up to make a point, as I said before I have seen statistics myself, I know that it happens.

I love dogs but I love my kids more and if one is putting my kids about by its presence around us, off a lead, then I reserve the right to shoe it off so to speak.


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