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Is it wrong to for an adult to kick a dog thats threatening the children?

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The other day we were in the park, when a man was playing a throw and catch game with his toddler daughter.


A dog then came charging up to the toddler and father, the toddler was then frightened and ran to its father. The dog then began circling the pair and the little girl became increasingly frightened (the dogs owner was not too bothered about this - as he was texting away).


The father of the toddler then kicked the dog pretty hard in the dogs face, to which the dog startled, ran back to its owner, to which the dog's owner then began ranting about "calling the police".


I kind of understand why the father kicked the dog, but then surely the dog should have been controlled by its owner. It seems to me the dog took the punishment due to its owners negligence.


What would you have done in this situation



You don't say that the dog was being aggressive though - just wanting to play? Seems that the kid is nervy, perhaps cos the father is uncomfortable and the kid is picking up on this? The dogs owner had his dog off leash as he was walking it in a park, and knowing his dog to be fine with kids and other dogs could relax and send a text? After all, sending a text takes seconds, so what is the problem with that? The owner must have been looking at what was going on, or else he wouldn't know that the other guy was a violent git, and needed a short sharp slap himself!


As the dogs owner in the situation I describe above, I would def call the police, and if the aggressive parent tried to leave, I would follow them and tell the police I was following... Just because the father is scared of dogs, shouldn't mean he kicks one hard in the face... Then I would let the police deal with him, and make sure my dog didn't approach strangers (if he ever tried again - it might have altered how the dog saw strangers again) in the future... Any vets fees would have to come from the violent father's pocket - that'd teach him a valuable lesson too...


The OP doesn't say that the dog was volatile at all - it's not even suggested that the dog was doing anything but play... But the father clearly is, and his temper needs to be kept in check...

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ive been walking my sisters dog with my daughter in the holidays and without fail weve had issues with dogs off the lead making a dash for us (i keep my sisters dog on the lead at all times)


most owners have come over to remove thier dog on me asking since my sisters dog doesnt take kindly to being charged at while hes on a lead but we did have one stubbern owner who ignored my shouts of please get your dog. his was agressive going first for our dog and then for my child who i had slung sack of spuds stylee over my sholder. he only came when i lost my temper and swore at him, my next step honestly would have been to kick the dog away


im frightened of dogs at the best of times, was bitten as a baby, twice as a teen on my paper round and once as an adult, i have never approached a dog, they just seem to smell my fear, lol

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Personally, I'm not scared of any dogs whatsoever ... wether they're running for me, foaming at the mouth rabid types of dogs or just wanting to gnaw on my shins.


I was taught many years ago how to bring any kind of dog to a dead standstill with the cursory use of just one finger.


My 'Heckler and Pooch' 9mm semi-automatic pistol has served me well ever since. :D

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It was the last resort. The child removed herself from the situation parent tried to protect child yet dog circled. What the hell is a person supposed to conclude from that? This dog can't walk straight or circling suggests it isn't going to leave me and my frightened daughter alone?

Is the dog snarling, snapping, barking and growling? Is it wagging its tail and jumping? Has the dog responded to your other non-violent responses? Have you tried directing any non-violent responses to the dog? Are you responding to the dog's behaviour or to the child's response?

You never really answered, would you see kicking as a last resort if it was a dog circling your frightened cats?

What part of 'it would be a last resort' wasn't clear? If a dog looked like it was going to attack my child (or my cats), then kicking the dog would be a last resort. That my child (or my cats) were fearful in response to a dog's behaviour doesn't imply that dog's behaviour is a threat to my child (or my cats). Of course, it might become one should I choose to kick it hard in the face in response to its boisterous behaviour.

When you think your life is in danger yes.

Was the the parent's or child's life in danger?

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Was the the parent or child's life in danger?


Don't know, I wasn't there but no parent would wait to find out. Child was threatened by dog, parent protected child. Nothing more nothing less. I'm sure the man wasn't crazy. He just wanted to protect his child.


We could do as Lady Star suggests and allow all dogs to roam free and arrest anyone who feels threatened and protects themselves.


Or people could simply look after their animals.

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