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Is it wrong to for an adult to kick a dog thats threatening the children?

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By that logic, you should kick dogs that are sitting harmlessly 300 yards away, because they too might possibly turn aggressive.


Not when they're circling a young child. That's just asking for trouble.

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That I would call the police on a man who had been shown to be violent in public? Yeah - that makes me insane :) God bless you, though! It's a bit scary that some people think violence is ok, but then I guess it is a hard world out there, and many people don't mind a bit of aggression as they see it around them so often... Perhaps I just mix with people who are a bit more level?


No, your just obviously unhinged and may need help

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This is what the OP said :




Seems the dog was possibly about to turn aggressive. Best to be safe than sorry.


There's nothing in what was written in the OP which would say that the dog was becoming aggressive, but it was certainly inappropriate to allow the dog to go dashing up to an obviously scared child.


If the dog was a herding breed, like a border collie, any form of sheepdog or one of the herding terriers like a Lancashire heeler then herding is all part of play for them, and that doesn't imply that the dog had any ill intent at all. It could have been a dog which was trained for security, which means that the circling is all that the dog would have done- circling just keeps people in one space until your human catches up. The available information doesn't contain enough either direction to show the dog's intent, which could have been because the OP isn't sufficiently aware of dog body language to work out what the dog was trying to do, or because the father was similarly unaware- but he should never have been in that position because it's really not acceptable to allow your dog to go bounding up to people who clearly do not want it.


The dog owner has only himself to blame because if he was attending his dog as he should have been then he could have prevented not just his dog being kicked, but also the child becoming distressed and her father ending up in the position where he felt he had no alternative but to take the action he took.

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I think anyone carrying out a physical attack on a defenceless animal(human or canine) should be reported to the police for being a pathetic excuse of a human being.



There was no mention of a dog attack, it threatening anyone or being aggressive. Some people just don't have a grasp on the real world, they obviously spend too much time reading the tabloid press.

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Try to resist the urge? You mean the urge that's been there for millions of years? You know the one for every parent to wish to protect their child. Not everyone wants to know or cares about dog psychology. How about the owner just keep dog on lead or away from kids?


Woah there fella,unbunch the pants a little,I couldn't agree with you more.Dog owners need to be more responsible in public areas.It's less of a psychology thing and more common sense,if you lift the child,the dog is likely to jump and hang on and you are then in no position to defend.

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I may be wrong cressida but I think there aren't any parks in Sheffield where dogs can be walked off their lead.

We had a situation in Meersbrook Park when my wife and I were walking a small group of dogs (all on leads) and three times a dog off the lead made attacks at them, the owner had no control of his dog and said that it was our fault because our dogs were on leads, no amount of reasoning could make him see sense.

We also saw a postman near the bottom entrance to the park having to defend himself with his post bag from yet another attack for a dog off the lead.

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I think anyone carrying out a physical attack on a defenceless animal(human or canine) should be reported to the police for being a pathetic excuse of a human being.



There was no mention of a dog attack, it threatening anyone or being aggressive. Some people just don't have a grasp on the real world, they obviously spend too much time reading the tabloid press.

It's called preventitve action or are you one of these who think that the parent or child should have to be actualy bitten first.

Maybe you shold look more into the Tabloids and see what damage can be done to adults not just children, go tell the postman who was very nearly killed that if he'd had some means of defence he's have benn wrong to use it before the dog attacked.

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I think anyone carrying out a physical attack on a defenceless animal(human or canine) should be reported to the police for being a pathetic excuse of a human being.



There was no mention of a dog attack, it threatening anyone or being aggressive. Some people just don't have a grasp on the real world, they obviously spend too much time reading the tabloid press.


does that mean that you have to wait to have limbs trapped in a dogs jaws before you can protect yourself?


I think the first obvious thing to do would be to call to the owner to let them know the dog was being a problem.

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does that mean that you have to wait to have limbs trapped in a dogs jaws before you can protect yourself?


I think the first obvious thing to do would be to call to the owner to let them know the dog was being a problem.


These people are typical of those who are more concerned for the criminals than the victims.

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