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Britain's most feckless father?

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yeah as a single mum i spent my day drunk, off my face on drugs and shagging my way round the uk........ oh no thats right i spent my entire time with my child doing my damn best to help her ( i also dont drink or do drugs)


no longer a single mum thou, does that mean i can get people to stop treating me like scum? (been with other half for 2 and a half years and no havnt even considered having another child)

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That is quite possible but not all people are dole scroungers and single mums... I am shock horror still with the father of my child 3 years later... :P.


Didn't say all people were dole scroungers and single mums. I said the behaviour is typical of doleys and single mums. Obviously not all. Just most of them.

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I read the article in The People on sunday he should be castrated. I looked at his picture and I am sorry but who would want to breed with that man in the first place??. More children born to a half wit illiterate person who cannot pay for his brood, whilst other sensible people make the responsible desicion to not have children as you cannot afford them, whilst we are all paying for his children he is carelessly going around getting woman pregnant. It should be made illegal and he should be arrested and put in prison that would atop the illiterate half wit breeding for a while.


Emma. x :love::thumbsup:

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It's typical of doleys and single mums. They don't get out often and don't have much going on in life. A new interest comes into your life and within a week and with the help of a little drink/drugs you are engaged, married, moved in with eachother, and had kids. Only to find out by the next giro day that you didn't really like them, they just made the fortnight between payments go that bit easier.


Don't slam single mums mate. I was a single mum and I had plenty going on in my life... all involving - and revolving around my kids.


My daughter has just nailed the top score in her class at her SATs, they are fit, healthy and both came first in most of their races at sports day and my son is Man of the Match most weeks in his football team. Everywhere I go people comment on how polite and courteous they are. So I can't have done such a s**t job!


And throughout all that I have worked, paid my taxes and still raised 2 kids most parents would be envious of...... on my own.


Don't tar us all with the same brush. That's just ignorance.

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Thats brilliant I have nothing against single mothers because you could be a single mother for all kinds of reasons, I have something against people like this man going around fathering children he does not pay for and idle people who just sponge off others in society.


You are one of the honest decent people in society it is a shame others do not follow your example it is wrong to generalise and we all do it in society and should` nt so I apologise if I offended you I didn`t mean to and it must be hard work bringing up two children alone and sometimes it cannot be easy for you I don`t know as I don`t have children yet keep up the brilliant work its sounds like you are doing a fantastic job.


Emma. x :love::thumbsup:

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