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Britain's most feckless father?

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Thats brilliant I have nothing against single mothers because you could be a single mother for all kinds of reasons, I have something against people like this man going around fathering children he does not pay for and idle people who just sponge off others in society.


You are one of the honest decent people in society it is a shame others do not follow your example it is wrong to generalise and we all do it in society and should` nt so I apologise if I offended you I didn`t mean to and it must be hard work bringing up two children alone and sometimes it cannot be easy for you I don`t know as I don`t have children yet keep up the brilliant work its sounds like you are doing a fantastic job.


Emma. x :love::thumbsup:


Cunfusion!! haha


Sorry Emma, my reply was meant for Tony Erikson. His generalising angered me!


It wasn't for you, I agree with every word YOU said!

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We have a real problem with a certain section of society who have baby after baby after baby, with no means of financially supporting the baby and no intention of adequately parenting them.


For some reason these people dont stop at one, two or even three children like most sensible people - they churn out five, six, seven, eight however many.


We have a social system falling over itself to provide accomodation, money, "support" - these people take no responsibility for themselves.


Sadly, I've been a nurse long enought to know that within a 15/16 years the offspring of these people will start the whole process off again.


Whole generations of spongers constantly taking from society and never giving anything back

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yeah as a single mum i spent my day drunk, off my face on drugs and shagging my way round the uk........ oh no thats right i spent my entire time with my child doing my damn best to help her ( i also dont drink or do drugs)


no longer a single mum thou, does that mean i can get people to stop treating me like scum? (been with other half for 2 and a half years and no havnt even considered having another child)


This thread isn't solely about you and your situation you know.


It is a fact that those such as Mark Duggan have more children them the average British tax payer family. Such families consider things such as the financial implication of children where as Duggan will just see the extra benefit.


Of course relationships break down and hence single parents are created, I don't think people have issues with this. What drives me crazy are those that get pregnant or make a woman pregnant within two weeks of meeting someone. Now please if someone can offer a legitimate reason for this I'm all ears.

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Don't slam single mums mate. I was a single mum and I had plenty going on in my life... all involving - and revolving around my kids.


My daughter has just nailed the top score in her class at her SATs, they are fit, healthy and both came first in most of their races at sports day and my son is Man of the Match most weeks in his football team. Everywhere I go people comment on how polite and courteous they are. So I can't have done such a s**t job!


And throughout all that I have worked, paid my taxes and still raised 2 kids most parents would be envious of...... on my own.


Don't tar us all with the same brush. That's just ignorance.


Why do people take things so personally? Did he put 'it's typical of all doleys and single mums?


There are 100's of single parents that have done as equally a good a job as you with bringing their kids up, you make yourself sound like an exception. There are also however, 100 other doleys and parents who have numerous kids to numerous partners. This generally doesn't happen as much with those working hard for their money. FACT

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He's not the most Feckles father.


He's one of the most fecking irresponsible fathers.


Let every man pay for his get.


If the amount he must pay is so great that he doesn't have enough to allow him to enjoy the life he would like to live - tough ****. The kids come first.


It's a start.

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I found another story today about a man called Keith McDonald who has been in the news since 2009 and has 12 children is it now?? We all can`t keep up he is on benefits and claims he can`t work but he is well enough to reproduce children, make him go back to work idle sponger go back to work and pay for your own children because everybody else is sick to death of picking up the tab for your irresponsibility idiot.


It is not like there is not enough contreceptives THAT ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but then these people are so stupid they do not know what the C word is sorry everyone rant now over. :love::thumbsup:

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