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How America reports British multiculturalism

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i do not care who you or anyone prays to.


See that stick?


You've grabbed the wrong end of it.


i do however find it strange that many on here seek out reasons to get offended.


Where have I said I'm offended? If you think I am, then please read my signature carefully.


is this the reason people join this fourm?




When I joined, there were no racist threads, no threads taking stabs at islam or christianity and everyone got on with each other pretty well. Over the past four years, the forum has been "invaded" by right wing bigots, racists and homophobes. We were able to have heated discussions without threads being closed and disappearing and only the occasional ban.

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Why would I lie :confused: maybe it's hard for some people to accept, don't see why it would be, nothing wrong with moving to a country to be "one of them"


If they're American why are they referred to as Hispanic for example or Afro-American or Italian American? Why not just American? They're immigrants first. Hence the Afro/Italian/Hispanic.

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Only when it suits, usually when claiming benefits.


At least be comforted that if you ever find yourself in straitened circumstances in the good ol US of A, that the British Society will come to your aid :D




...afternoon btw, you're too quiet and leaving these provocative issues to the Nastyboy wannabes of late.

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You can but that wasn't what BF said. He said that all immigrants he knows. As a percentage that would suggest all immigrants. They don't consider themselves British first. The point was simply wrong.


Ooh hold on a minute, that might take up valuable brain resources before preparing a proper answer.


Yes you're right it was loose use of language on my part, of course not all immigrants I know are proud to be British (I just don't know), but I'd say that the vast majority of those I've spoken to about it are-across all cultures and ethnic groups they consider themselves British first, but still maintain an interest in where they and/or their parents came from.


Since the thread is about Americans, the ex pat friends who left Sheffield after studying to go to America still maintain a significant interest in Britain, none of them has forgotten their love of the Owls or the Blades, one even emailed pictures of his kids in the United strip..he's been in America for nearly 30 years, has citizenship, runs a successful business, but still has a very soft spot for blighty like they all do.


You probably know that my ancestry is Jamaican although I was born here, so my ears definitely prick up if there's say a news item on the TV about it, or the WI cricket team is playing, but I would always consider myself a Sheffielder and British before any of that. I don't think my experiences are particularly exceptional.

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Most immigrants you know BF, and I admit to making an assumption here, will be from the West Indies. The broadcast in question is about Muslims.


LOL, now that is a major assumption Jim Hardie, you might be surprised to learn that the only Jamaicans I know are within my own family and most of the people in my family are white and British. I've an uncle, mother, aunt and granny left and a few relatives of theirs in London who I don't really know, who hark from Jamaica. I've only relatively recently discovered my father and his family but they don't live in Sheffield.


Most of the immigrants I know, I say that with some reservation since I wouldn't describe many as very close acquaintances but I know mainly through work-are from all cultures.


The irony is the only 'immigrants' I do know who are usually full of anti-English vitriol are the Scottish relatives of my ex wife!

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If they're American why are they referred to as Hispanic for example or Afro-American or Italian American? Why not just American? They're immigrants first. Hence the Afro/Italian/Hispanic.


Sorry but most don't some ,Blacks like to be referred to as African Americans, but they keep changing their minds what they want to be called :hihi: harmless anyhow as they wouldn't go live in Africa if their life depended on it and they admit it.. I dind't say immigrantes weren't pround of where they came from, there just pleased with themselves they were able to leave it.


immigrants celebrate in all the American hoildays and traditions, they do not expect to be treated with kid gloves either like MUslims do..BIG DIFFERENCE.

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Sorry but most don't some ,Blacks like to be referred to as African Americans, but they keep changing their minds what they want to be called :hihi: harmless anyhow as they wouldn't go live in Africa if their life depended on it and they admit it.. I dind't say immigrantes weren't pround of where they came from, there just pleased with themselves they were able to leave it.


immigrants celebrate in all the American hoildays and traditions, they do not expect to be treated with kid gloves either like MUslims do..BIG DIFFERENCE.


Strangely enough and as much as I don't like Islam. No Muslim I have ever worked with or met has complained about Christmas. A lot of them have celebrated it more than me.

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No Muslim I have ever worked with or met has complained about Christmas. A lot of them have celebrated it more than me.


That's because "christ" is recognised by muslims as an important prophet.

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LOL, now that is a major assumption Jim Hardie, you might be surprised to learn that the only Jamaicans I know are within my own family and most of the people in my family are white and British. I've an uncle, mother, aunt and granny left and a few relatives of theirs in London who I don't really know, who hark from Jamaica. I've only relatively recently discovered my father and his family but they don't live in Sheffield.


Most of the immigrants I know, I say that with some reservation since I wouldn't describe many as very close acquaintances but I know mainly through work-are from all cultures.


The irony is the only 'immigrants' I do know who are usually full of anti-English vitriol are the Scottish relatives of my ex wife!


I've been told I assume too much before! I can believe what you say about your Scots aquaintances though. :hihi:

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