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How America reports British multiculturalism

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Sorry but most don't some ,Blacks like to be referred to as African Americans, but they keep changing their minds what they want to be called :hihi: harmless anyhow as they wouldn't go live in Africa if their life depended on it and they admit it.. I dind't say immigrantes weren't pround of where they came from, there just pleased with themselves they were able to leave it.


immigrants celebrate in all the American hoildays and traditions, they do not expect to be treated with kid gloves either like MUslims do..BIG DIFFERENCE.


Like Ol' Blue Eyes said, "My father wasn't born here but he made damn sure that I was!"

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This is interesting if alittle OTT. Still its an interesting take on the problems with multiculturalism.



Yes it is interesting. Good solid propaganda.


The whole video is what I would call "pub talk".


It shows how much certain American media are mediocre.


Are the two brainless presenters even journalists? Their "comments" at the end of the video are just brilliant.

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Of all the posts on this thread, I'd have to say alternageek and rubydazzler come the closest to the truth. No one listens to Pat Robertson that WHACKADOODLE. But he does have the right to spout his crap. I think he has his own TV network, too. Oy.


Yes, we like to research our roots because we are curious. How did my forebears come to America? Why did they come here? America is a young country and this is easier for Americans of European descent, but can be especially troubling for African Americans because their ancestors were brought here as slaves, so for many, their family history stops when whoever set foot in America. Even their names were taken away from them.


Yes, you are supposed to become American first and whatever second, but that does not mean that you ever forget your ancestors culture. Because really, while you share their DNA, it's their culture and not yours. My culture is American, and more specifically, Northern California. It's all I know.


Just last night, we had company for dinner and I made green chili chicken enchiladas, which were fabulous, but it made me think about how my great-grandmother in Mexico would not have gotten her green sauce from a can, nor sent one of her kids to the store to get corn tortillas in a package. And it made me a little sad, that I will never know just how she made this dish (a family favorite) in her kitchen in Mexico. When I was a little girl in San Francisco, I used to look at the foggy bay and think, is this what Ireland looks like? (my paternal grandfather is Irish) Because I'd heard Ireland was foggy and very green. Is this what my grandpa's grandpa saw when he got off the boat? Did it comfort him to see that this place resembled the place he'd left behind forever?


To call someone African American or Italian American or Irish American is to honor that part of them that is gone, that they will never truly know. It doesn't mean they're less American.


And the native Americans? They had their culture and way of life destroyed and their land stolen from them. I can't even imagine what that would be like. The Yakima are still allowed to fish for salmon their way and I believe the Navajo still live on at least part of their native land, but it's not the same and they have their drama like all of us. I remember a case in Plumas county that had split a family. Literally. One brother was trying to get the other brother (who had married a non-native) and his wife and children kicked off the reservation and cut out of their family's share of the tribe's casino earnings. Nice, huh?


And unfortunately not all native peoples are federally recognized, which can have a huge impact. For everything from grants and favors from the government to college admissions.


We have our troublemakers but most of us are just just doin' the best we can. :)

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Strangely enough and as much as I don't like Islam. No Muslim I have ever worked with or met has complained about Christmas. A lot of them have celebrated it more than me.


We had Hindu neighbors who made a HUGE deal out of Christmas. Their Christmas decorations drew gawkers and even made the newspaper! I wouldn't want to pay their electric bill for the month of December. :hihi:

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The Immigrants that have come to the US over the years, not only do they want to become American they follow the American cultures

Oh please. There are huge issues around mexican migration into America. Some of these are hardly following 'American culture' and renouncing their backgrounds.

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Oh please. There are huge issues around mexican migration into America. Some of these are hardly following 'American culture' and renouncing their backgrounds.


That is illegal immigration. There's a reason these people are not allowed to come here legally. As a result, they have zero respect for our laws and the way we do things. Except, thanks to the 14th amendment, their children born here are all American citizens. THAT, they wholeheartedly embrace.

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