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Sheffield film 'Threads' - Megathread.


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Originally posted by rarstar

Apparently, there was public outrage at the time it was released, because Sheffield Council spent millions of pounds doing-up the Manor for the post-bomb scenes.

sounds about right ........and they wonder why sheffield council as a bad reputation ...........oh btw the films not very good either:mad:

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Is this the low-budget nuclear fallout thing shot in Hillsborough?


I like the shot of Regent Court exploding.


And the shot of the family in the car disappearing off down Cheadle Street on their way to Wales. (It's a dead end)


Apparently my auntie auditioned for it as 'crying kid no 7' or something, but didnt get picked cos she was over-acting!



Anybody seen Among Giants? That had loads of local shots too. Decent film, that.

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Originally posted by duffman

I first saw Threads in my media class at school for a project, then a few months later we watched it in english for some reason. Didn't realise you could get hold of it.




same here!! bizzare!

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When I was at junior school in the height of the Cold War, I remember they showed us a film set in Sheffield which followed the aftermath of a Soviet nuclear attack against the UK called "Threads".


Apart from scaring the **** out of me and scarring me for life, the film seems to predate "The Full Monty" as a film showing the wonder of the steel city off to the movie-going public.


Can anyone else recall this film?


And am I alone in thinking that it was a silly idea to show it to kids as we'd more than likely have been dead before we knew what was going on if the Russians had nuked us?

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