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Sheffield film 'Threads' - Megathread.


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There were several scenes shot in The Nottingham House in Broomhill. I used to know some of the people in the scenes but can't for the life of me remember their names. I'll have to watch the film again to see if the names come back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never saw Threads - I saw the 1960s version 'The War Game' and that was quite disturbing.


I remember that the programme that made my mother re-think her views on nuclear weapons was a David Dimbleby presented documentary about nuclear weapons and their effects.


The problem with a film like Threads or The War Game is that it's bloody obvious that having a 20 Megaton nuclear weapon airburst over your county (and Sheffield would have copped for at least one targetted and probably some collateral damage from weapons launched towards 'local' military targets) is going to ruin your day. I'm not convinced that they do much good - sort of like the 'Nuclear Free Zone' signs of the early 1980s.


I recollect seeing the 'Protect and Survive' booklet, which had the **** taken royally from it. I loved the bit in P&S about taking your radio in to your refuge....the fact that radio's would have their electronics fried by any airburst within 100 miles seems to have missed the planners....


As for showing the film to 13 year olds - again, pointless except as propaganda. You scare them rigid about something they cannot influence. There were reported cases of kids going in to depression because of seeing films like this or having the issues of nuclear weapons rammed down their throats by 'right on' parents.


I found the old movie 'Fail Safe' much more interesting and educational. For a quirkier look at the whole issue of nuclear war take a look at the novel 'This is the way the world ends' by James Morrow. To paraphrase one of the characters in the film 'The Peacemaker' - it's not the country with 100 nukes you need to worry about, it's the headbanger with one backpack nuclear demolition charge they've managed to acquire after the demise of the Soviet Union.

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I could of sworn I seen this movie, earlier than 1984, as I was still at school when I watched it, and I left school in 1982, I was married in june 1984, and the time when it says Threads was first show on T.V, I was heavily preagnant with my first child, and I know I didn't live with my Husband, and was with child when I watched it, I remeber everyone at school talking about it the day after, and I know I never dreamt it,


I have since watched it again, and it brought it all back to me, I now have it on DVD, am I going mad or what?


Is there a possibility it could of been shown earlier than 1984? I have scoured the internet, and only one place says 1976, and I think thats a mistake, its on IMdb, there is 3 titles for Threads on there..


Im confused now.....

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  • 3 months later...

Take care: there's plenty of scalpers going about because Threads has been deleted by Revelation Films and so you've got the greedy so-and-so's on Amazon and eBay charging top-dollar. Also watch out for all the bootleg copies being hawked on eBay because many of the counterfeiters are always trying to find "rare" disks and tapes to flog.

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