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Sheffield film 'Threads' - Megathread.


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Anyone tried kazaa lite or any other file sharing programs? I don't see the problem with downloading it if it been discontinued. An £85 is a pi*s take!


I would, but am on a dial up connection, so no point really.

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I remember where either the warning siren started or the bomb detonated and some lady shopping on the Moor had a bit of an 'accident'. Also - Woolworths on the Moor blew up. Oh - and the man and woman who escaped out into Derbyshire(?) eating a dead Sheep raw. Nice.


I was petrifed of Nuclear war during the 80's. I'm sure that Hammerton Road Police Station would sometimes test their air raid siren - I'd freak.


Hmm...and now I'm thinking of the 'Young Ones' episode entitled 'Bomb'. Neil read Protect & Survive and made a bomb shelter under the dining table. :)

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the director, IIRC, was Barry Hines, who directed "Kes"


It was filmed in and around sheffield in 1980/81. I was in an amateur dramatic society, as an actress, at the time, and auditioned for a part in the film, and I had definitely left school by that time.


it really played with my head, that film. I don't know if it was the fact that is showed our own city being destroyed, that made it all the more horrific....


It was shown around 1982/3, on tv, (it is usual for films to have been on release for 2-3 years before they go to tv, unless they arespecifically a "made-for-tv movie)



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