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Sheffield film 'Threads' - Megathread.


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Originally posted by Jack Yerbody

The effects of high exposure to radiation are not necessarily immediately obvious, and can take some time to manifest themselves.


Also, it depends on the stage of foetal development.


yes, but its a film therefore my expectation is for information to be condensed a bit more. even the dead baby at the end wasn't manky, just dead. after all that exposure to the fallout you'd think there would be some evidence of it in the film...

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Were the kids mentally disabled, or was it that their language skills had deteriorated? And out of curiosity, does anyone know of any sites that would give any more info on the effects of nuclear war? I found the subject really interesting, in a macarbe sort of way.

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Originally posted by Funky Dave

Were the kids mentally disabled, or was it that their language skills had deteriorated? And out of curiosity, does anyone know of any sites that would give any more info on the effects of nuclear war? I found the subject really interesting, in a macarbe sort of way.


the kids seemed quite normal considering they lived in a pile of rubble and ate rats and had no books, they managed to watch 'words and pictures' on telly tho!


as for 'sites' theres Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan and somewhere in Vietnam too.


basically there are two types of radiation initual and residual. initial being the actual blast and the latter is radiation that comes later from radionuclides which are radioactive isotopes that are generated by the explosion and induced in soil, building materials, people/animals, etc, by neutron bombardment unleashed by said blast.

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Originally posted by spook1210

a site in Vietnam? Did I miss something major in the Vietnam war?


sorry i'm getting confused with chemical/biological warfare. napalm and that. but my point is that stuff has effects for ages after the event.

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  • 3 months later...

HI all. . newbie to this forum, but not forums in general.


My housemate managed to get hold of a copy of a film called Threads, and wondered if many other sheffielders have seen it.


Its basically a film about how society is based on threads and what would happen if these threads were broke by a 200 megatonne nuclear bomb...


Made around the 80s, Its pretty horrific, and graphic for its age.


Before i saw it, someone said that its a film you'll only watch once. . after seeing it, i dont wanna watch it again.

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Originally posted by munky

HI all. . newbie to this forum, but not forums in general.


My housemate managed to get hold of a copy of a film called Threads, and wondered if many other sheffielders have seen it.


Its basically a film about how society is based on threads and what would happen if these threads were broke by a 200 megatonne nuclear bomb...


Made around the 80s, Its pretty horrific, and graphic for its age.


Before i saw it, someone said that its a film you'll only watch once. . after seeing it, i dont wanna watch it again.

;)http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=476&highlight=threads Use search forum and its been done a few times:rolleyes:
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