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Shot police officer

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hi a few years ago i was running a pub. and someone said a customer had a gun. i knew this customer well then he left then before i knew it i heard police sirens and a bloke came saying the police were training their guns on my friend so i went out and told the police not to shoot and i would get the gun off him, when i got by his side as saw about half a dozen red dots on my body, a very scary feeling but after talking to him for about 10 munutes he threw the gun down but its not nice looking down the barrel of a shot gun, knowing the poice would use it if i made one move then went in and changed my kecks

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Lordy qq-it was a joke! ;)


I know ... it's just that you've planted this damned image in my head like it's some sort of possibility, and now I can't fathom if it would represent multiculturalism, integration, or neither. Whether, as HN suggests, I know what multiculturalism is, or even if anybody does?




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Now now, you're being unfair.


I think he looks like a delightful chap, probably a successful architect or neurosurgeon. I understand this style of jewelry is all the rage at his local yacht club.


The liberal left on here are quite right to defend his good name for the moment, until we see the (inevitabel) hard evidence that he is, indeed, a low life drug-dealing criminal (which is perfectly obvious to anybody with half a brain). After which they will go quiet and refuse to apologise for defending such human vermin and wrongly accusing the press of lying.


A bit like how the swivel eyed loony right whingers on here went all quiet when an inquest jury ruled that Ian Tomlinson had been unlawfully killed by PC Simon Harwood (after weeks of them stating that Ian Tomlinson died because he was an alcoholic).


Anyway Conrod - I'm now going to read the Guardian whist sipping my skinny latte, enjoy your mug of Mellow Birds with your Daily Mail. ;)

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I know ... it's just that you've planted this damned image in my head and now I can't fathom if it would represent multiculturalism, integration, or neither. Whether, as HN suggests, I know what multiculturalism is, or even if anybody does?





I don't think my throwaway statement would stand up to too much critical analysis to be honest quisquose.


Multiculturism-well it's obviously when white folks eat curry and black ones go to watch football matches ;)

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Now now, you're being unfair.


I think he looks like a delightful chap, probably a successful architect or neurosurgeon. I understand this style of jewelry is all the rage at his local yacht club.


The liberal left on here are quite right to defend his good name for the moment, until we see the (inevitabel) hard evidence that he is, indeed, a low life drug-dealing criminal (which is perfectly obvious to anybody with half a brain). After which they will go quiet and refuse to apologise for defending such human vermin and wrongly accusing the press of lying.


Now you're not a witless boy Conrod, so surely you can see the illogical nature of your post?


You're denouncing the 'liberal left' (sounds like a phrase from Griffin's lexicon that does), for not joining you in your vilification of the dead man, yet acknowledge that the hard evidence that would be required to do so is as yet not forthcoming.

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