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Shot police officer

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The reports so far indicate that a non police firearm has been recovered at the scene. There is speculation about the recovered bullet, and we should wait for the full IPCC report before commenting further I think. But - remember, if a weapon has even been pointed at the officers, they have a right in law to act to protect their own lives or others. Maybe a case of 'live by the sword.........'

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Incredible how many mugs on here were prepared to swallow the initial lies bandied around by the right wing press.


But how do we know that the story now isn't lies? It was all in the 'right wing press', so how do you tell when it is a lie or the truth? What if the first story was the truth but it is in the right wing press' interest to now make the police the scapegoat?

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The reports so far indicate that a non police firearm has been recovered at the scene. There is speculation about the recovered bullet, and we should wait for the full IPCC report before commenting further I think. But - remember, if a weapon has even been pointed at the officers, they have a right in law to act to protect their own lives or others. Maybe a case of 'live by the sword.........'


Agreed. If you make a choice in life to be a bad 'un, then don't be suprised if you get shot. Hazzards of the job when you're a criminal i'm afraid. No sympathy.

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Incredible how many mugs on here were prepared to swallow the initial lies bandied around by the right wing press.


Did this guy even show a gun, let alone fire a round?


the dead guy was carrying a weapon. and now he is dead. result. have a pint, sleep well.

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The main thing that some seem to miss is that one report said that the police were acting on previous information, so it if this is correct then they would have a good reason to be doing the same as criminals and carrying guns and using them.

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The reports so far indicate that a non police firearm has been recovered at the scene. There is speculation about the recovered bullet, and we should wait for the full IPCC report before commenting further I think. But - remember, if a weapon has even been pointed at the officers, they have a right in law to act to protect their own lives or others. Maybe a case of 'live by the sword.........'


the weapon does not have to get pointed, all you have to do is go for it or make a move for it.

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supposedly but the pcc has not published anything yet, so before saddling up that tall horse of yours, its probably best to wait until the situation has calmed down and the professionals have had a chance to investigate the causes and complaints.

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the riots in london will spread. shows whats just under the surface. cheeky family demanding answers on the street. they should have taught there kid right from wrong. the answer is they failed there child. its there fault he had a gun and there fault he is dead. now they will be looking for a payout.

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Mr Duggan’s brother’s Shaun Hall said he would never have shot at police, saying it was ‘utter rubbish’.

Like the kid in sheffield who was killed, "He was going to be a pastor said his parents". The week before he'd been using a knife in Dronfield (what was he doing in Dronfield?) over a drug dealing incident.

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