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Can Todays Young Ones Hold Their Drink?

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A few weeks ago my better half and I were invited out for a meal,it was the Italian resturaunt just up from the City Hall,this was on a Saturday night.My daughter and hubby too,we had a nice time and left around 11-15 pm.We walked towards the City Hall,it was like a hell hole drunken women screaming young blokes fighting everywhere,drunks staggering,falling over some being sick,police and stewards everywhere.It was the first time in yonks Ive been down town the impression I got was the youngsters definitaly cant hold their drink like we used to,Ive been on some benders in my time but never behaved like the morons I saw that night.If you can.t take it don,t drink it,right or wrong what do you think!:loopy::huh:

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It's not a question of holding it but knowing when to stop


Very true :


The number of young drinkers ending up in hospital with a serious liver problem has risen by more than 50% in the last decade, NHS figures show.






And the strain and expense it puts on the Service, is disgusting (just because some people want to 'have a laugh').

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I blame cheap supermarket booze, many of the drunken idiots that you see in city centres are already drunk on cheap booze before they go out, but it's the pubs & clubs that often get the blame for it.


It's not the fact that supermarket booze is cheap, it's because people drink to excess regardless of the price. Money is not the issue, if beer was £50 a pint people would just find otherways to get drunk.

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