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Any Info About A Painting?

old tup

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Note that the painting I was thinking of is in the museum rather than one of the art galleries. There are several pictures of old Sheffield on the walls of the museum.




when we talk museum (Graves) is this in Sheffield .The army museum in Doncaster suppose to have all army paintings plus much more

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Old Tup - I have managed to find the book I had mislaid, which includes an image of the painting I was thinking of. The image is much reduced because the original is a BIG oil painting.


Looking at it I think it is unlikely to be the one you are thinking of because the barracks are in the distance and there are no soldiers to be seen. However, I think you would find it interesting as the wheels and cottages along the Don are more in the foreground.


If you PM me an email address I will send you a scan from the book.


The painting is called "Sheffield and the Valley of the Don 1863" and the artist is E Price.


EDIT: I've just found an image online, on a BBC website:

Sheffield and the valley of the Don



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HughW-Thanks for your trouble,thats our cottage alright,the smaller one on the bend.The Mill is Owlerton Tilt Wardsend Bridge you can see the goit coming from the wier behind the cottage.The larger building was the Mill,the goit continues back into The Don opposite where the Power Station was built around 1902,it looked idylic in 1863,the view was from what we called Scotsmans Hill or Shirecliffe over 150yrs ago! Just had another look the small building was the barn,the cottage next then the Mill.

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