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Chinese theme park being built in Rother Valley country park

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I'm not from these parts so can't really comment on the location but having visited China I personally think it is a great idea and will be a huge success.


Well I've never been to China but I have been to Rotherham and think a Greasbrough theme park in Beijing would be a great success.

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Let's look at the real reason that Rotherham MBC are really pushing this. The fact is that they need to off load this land. Following opencasting the site was landscaped and intended to be incorporated into RVCP. RMBC decided that they didn't have the money to maintain the site and thus began a desperate bid to off load it to who ever. The YES project was far more plausible than this latest JOKE and that fell flat on it's backside!

What a load of whingers,for a start the YES project didn't go ahead because Sheffield council objected to nearly everything they wanted to do,cinema's,theatre's,hotels,new indoor ski slope,rail station etc the excuse being Sheffield already had them and they would take trade from there,so it never went ahead,it IS part of RVCP and always has been that is why it was opencasted --pit house west,...before that it consisted of Brookhouse colliery, a Coking Plant and a dumpit site for those that were too lazy to go to the dumpit site at Woodhouse,an online petition against it..how sad....just think of it as an inland Skeggy...

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Leave it as is, why does everywhere need building on?


There are ponds, reedbeds, immature trees, scrubland, fields, all with access for cyclists, walkers, dogwalkers, people wanting a picnic etc


There are plenty of other sites nearby that have none of those things, let them build their tacky theme park there.


Well said.

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Oh dear Rotherham council making teachers redundant and now trying to make some short term money from a ghastly idea that has no chance of success- why shouldn't this surprise me? Well done councillors of Rotherham- so glad I live in Sheffield!


Much the same as the Student Games that Sheffield will still be paying for in 20 years time then.

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