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Chinese theme park being built in Rother Valley country park

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Absolutely terrible if this goes ahead. Pit House West is a cracking bit of countryside but hey, who gives a flying one about that eh when we can all be mesmerised by big shiny things and fa(s)t foods? :(

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I quite like the idea. We have a lot of decent sporting facilities as it is, the YES projects duplicated what we had rather than added to.


A lot of Chinese men have died for us, in mining etc. over the past 20-30 years.

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I'm very surprised this has been passed by the councils PC brigade.

A Patronising theme park, stereotyping East Asians.


If I wanted Chinese Culture I would go to China Town in Manchester or London not Rotherham!


A vision of China in an ex-mining town in the middle of Yorkshire? This is just another PIT a Money Pit.

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