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Migraine advice needed from sufferers

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I've always suffered from migraine, but over the last few years nothing much, unless im very hungry,near strip lights or been traveling, anyway last week I was hit with a massive attack, I went to bed early as could not find any ibuprofen. I laid there 6 hours crying my eyes out with the pain, I got up and wrecked the kitchen in the dark and found the pills, took 3 then went back to bed, baring in mind even getting down the stairs made my head want to explode, normally with ibuprofen they slowly ease over an hour or so. I laid in bed for 20 mins thinking it wasn't working, I was in so much pain I was about to call the doctor, then suddenly 20 mins later , it didn't ease it just stopped, with a click of fingers which I found very strange after 6 hours of agony, anyway normally after an attack nothing changes its like nothing happened until the next one comes.


This time it different, I,ve had this very odd fuzzy/numb feeling in my forehead since, it does not hurt but makes normal day life a little harder as i feel dizzy a lot, then I,ve started getting numbness in my finger tips on and off since, I called nhs direct who advised me to see my doc, which I did on friday, she checked me everywhere, in my ears, back of my eyes ect and said she could find nothing and gave me anti dizziness pills, which I cant take as I have 3 children and they make me so drowsy I cant function right. She also seemed very concerned and advised me to call nhs direct if it got worse or changed over the weekend.


Yesterday at 9pm I ended up at nhs drop in center after calling them and them telling me to come in, along with everything else I started to get tingling in the end of my tongue and down my nose, again checked over and doc could find nothing wrong and sent me on my way telling me to see my own GP. I decided to take some of the anti dizziness pills lastnight and today felt like I could fall asleep on the table, I have not taken another I just cant, but it did seem to ease the fuzzy head a tiny bit but not much, now its back in full force, keep going from very mild to very strong, when it gets strong i get dizzy, its not turning into another headache, but the fuzzy feeling remains


I also forgot to say the fuzziness kept coming and going at first but now its there all the time. I,m going tO hopefully see my GP again tomorrow, but I just cant see anything being said that hasn't been said before, I mean I cant go on like this its scaring me.


What I want to ask is has anyone had this before and does it seem like something to do with migraine, I,m scared, really scared, im a full time mother starting collage September and keep thinking I,m not going to make it as something it deffo wrong inside, but the docs just send me away with my worries saying nothing looks like an emergency, etc


sorry to rant

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