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Cameron Totally Out Of Touch.

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I cant beleive another thread has sprung up using the riots for political point scoring.


FFS can we not focus on the real issue here. A bunch of morons who have used a tragic event as an excuse to smash up some innocent businesses and go on the rob.


NOTHING to do with Cameron

NOTHING to do with the recession

NOTHING to do with any racial group

NOTHING to do with any religions

NOTHING to do with any political party.


Its a bunch of thugs kicking off for no reason.


Cameron is entitled to a holiday just as much as anyone else. He has a deputy prime minister, home office minister, hundreds of civil servants, police chiefs and sergents all in charge of the current events. Is he supposed to sit glued to his office chair in case something kicks off.... NO.


The fact that events have taken a turn for the worst means he is coming home. I can guarantee that he will have been engaged in numerous calls/emails/correspondence/meetings since this crisis started. We are in 2011 you know. There are such things as mobile phones and internet communications.


Its time to stop using these events for political willy waving. Its completely pathetic. Innocent people are being hurt, houses and shops are being burnt to the ground and all some of you can do is sit her spouting your views to stroke your own ego's. What are you doing about the crisis eh?? A darn sight less than the politicans and police are.


Get real and start thinking about the poor victims caught up in all this.

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Don't you agree that the policy of relying upon cheap and easy credit to grow the economy is the underlying reason as to why the banking crisis has hit us so hard?


Yes Labour went along with the Tory economic plan of letting the financial services do as they liked as it was bringing in big bucks, and neglecting the real wealth creating manufacturing sector. Thats why we are where we are.

Such a weak manufacturing base that we cant exploit the low pound and export our way out of trouble.

Now where did the rot set-in for manufacturing??? Let me guess it rhymes with Milk Snatcher.

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Yes Labour went along with the Tory economic plan of letting the financial services do as they liked as it was bringing in big bucks, and neglecting the real wealth creating manufacturing sector. Thats why we are where we are.

Such a weak manufacturing base that we cant exploit the low pound and export our way out of trouble.

Now where did the rot set-in for manufacturing??? Let me guess it rhymes with Milk Snatcher.


So at last we agree on something then. I liked the first half of the Labour government, the second half was ruined by the Brown/Blair infighting which left us in a such massive mess ruining our public services.


I'll never understand why the income from the boom wasn't used to build an economy based upon sustainable growth. We're certainly paying for it now

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It doesn't. The 2005 Birmingham race riots were under a Labour government, and there was plenty of protest against the Iraq War.


This riot is simply about people taking what's not theirs, there isn't any protest, it's blatant thievery.




Your opinion, but like your opening statement, not actually a reality.




Indeed, though it wasn't helped by having a chancellor who bet everything on the markets only going one way, then spent until the cupboards were bare.


Sorry I wasn't clear enough I should have made it crystal clear that I meant that it always kicks off with the tories in power when there is an underlying link to poverty. I wasn't talking about race riots or peoples opinions with respect to war since these are different issues.


Yep my opinion that both are reality and clearly yours that both are not so; a reality in my eyes and not in yours and you haven't given any evidence to disprove either.


At least the Labour chancellors gave the people some good times and attempted to give them more unlike the tories and coalition who are simply take, take, take.


Labour politicians are human and don't get everything right but I believe their intentions are more honourable than the tories. In short Labour's heart is in the right place and the tories haven't got one and still make the wrong decisions.

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Yes we had the boom years. Everyone was doing great purely because all of a sudden they were getting credit thrown at them left right and centre. The amount of personal debt of the UK population is over a trillion pounds now. I can't criticise anyone for this because I am in the same boat; I fell for the sales pitch as well and got myself mortgaged up with probably more than I could realistically afford.


How on earth do you come to the conclusion that I am bitter? I'm just pointing out the truth as I see it. As someone else has already pointed out, the UK economy was built on cheap credit, and it seems that Gordon Brown was the only person in the country who couldn't see what was so obvious to everyone else - that the bubble would eventually burst - and he carried on borrowing and spending like it was going out of fashion. It was like trying to put out a fire with a flame-thrower.


Please don't mistake me for a Tory supporter either. I have no political allegiance, which means I am able to look at both sides of the argument objectively.


From that quote, you are a Tory. Do you really think the tories would have been that good during the 'boom years'? Many working class folk would be worst off. Many newer working class people would have never seen the 'boom' years. They would be 'excluded' by the tory elite. Who protect thier own. Always. Just like now.


The last Labour years created more wealth and car ownership (a indicator of wealth in many peoples eyes) than EVER!

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Don't you agree that the policy of relying upon cheap and easy credit to grow the economy is the underlying reason as to why the banking crisis has hit us so hard?


Your argument carries no weight because credit booms are not the sole preserve of Labour governments. Anyway, the banking crisis, at its core, WAS caused by uncontrolled expansion of credit. The reason we were hit so hard is because private losses were picked up by the public purse as the 'too big to fail' institutions deleveraged their positions.

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From that quote, you are a Tory.


You obviously failed to read the final paragraph of my post.


Do you really think the tories would have been that good during the 'boom years'? Many working class folk would be worst off. Many newer working class people would have never seen the 'boom' years. They would be 'excluded' by the tory elite. Who protect thier own. Always. Just like now.


It's difficult to say seeing as they weren't in power. I agree though, the Tories obviously do care more for their elite businessman mates than they do about the working man in the street, and I don't doubt there are a lot of people who were better off under Labour, But that's just a side issue here. My point was about Gordon Brown and his clearly unworkable economic strategy, not about left / right ideology.


The last Labour years created more wealth and car ownership (a indicator of weath in many peoples eyes) than EVER!


They also created record amounts of personal debt, so the wealth you refer to was false because it was borrowed wealth and not actual wealth.

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Your argument carries no weight because credit booms are not the sole preserve of Labour governments. Anyway, the banking crisis, at its core, WAS caused by uncontrolled expansion of credit. The reason we were hit so hard is because private losses were picked up by the public purse as the 'too big to fail' institutions deleveraged their positions.


I never suggested that credit booms were the sole preserve of Labour governments. What I am suggesting is that the reliance upon credit to grow the economy was the underlying reason as to why the banking crisis has hit us so hard. We should have used the money from the credit boom to build a more sustainable economy.


Couple this with the pre-existing budget deficits, pre-banking crisis, it left us with nowhere to go apart from cutting spending; something that the current international situation seems to confirm.

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You obviously failed to read the final paragraph of my post.




It's difficult to say seeing as they weren't in power. I agree though, the Tories obviously do care more for their elite businessman mates than they do about the working man in the street, and I don't doubt there are a lot of people who were better off under Labour, But that's just a side issue here. My point was about Gordon Brown and his clearly unworkable economic strategy, not about left / right ideology.




They also created record amounts of personal debt, so the wealth you refer to was false because it was borrowed wealth and not actual wealth.


Do you REALLY think we would be in a different postion under the tories? If Major had made it to the noughties? It would be the EXACT same.

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