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Sympathy for Arab Governments with our own riots ?

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The Arab spring has had nothing but praise from the west, because there was little else to do but to back them as they looked like they were going to topple their Governments (even though we backed those Governments).


The people used technology to mobilize riots, even without any sort of eal objective, and the Governments were slow to react bringing about their toppling.


Well now we have the same thing happening here, no real objective, just instantaneous riots brought on by social networking just like in Arab countries.


So, are we going to go down the same road with cities up and down the country dropping into anarchy ?

Is our Government going to get the same bloody nose that the Governments they were quick to turn their backs on got ?


Maybe this is how civilization as we know it here takes a nose dive ?

Its one thing watching it on TV when its in another country, and another when its down your street.


We have a weak Government with little experience in Governing a country it seems, held back with having to share the power with a coalition, with half of them pulling in one direction and the others in another. The economy is going down the pan both here and the rest of the western world, and without the leadership and the resources this could quickly get way out of control.


This lot with the networking that people can do now could soon make any civil unrest there has ever been before be nothing in comparison. People don't even know why they are doing it, just going with the flow without stepping back to think.

If they want to get this lot back in order someone is going to have to be brave and turn off the networking systems on mobiles like blackberry messaging, for short term at least.


Good luck Britain, you may need it.

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Kimba, have you ever read a newspaper, watched tv ? Been outside even ? Your post is nicely written but really, it's rhubarb. If these riots get as much as 1% of public support I'd be surprised. Times are hard for alot of people, but meltdown it ain't.
Im sure they all started like that, with sporadic patches of riots, all over the place and so difficult to quell.


That's why the army had to go in and try lock down whole cities which of course did not work and just fueled the dissent.


maybe no support, but people will be out trying to protect their own communities where the police fail to, businesses being looted has already got different communities and cultures battling it out in London, don't believe it could not happen because the thing you least expect often surprises you. The thing that surprised everyone in the Arab countries was how quick it all escalated and unfolded.

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Is it possible there are anarchists just waiting for an opportunity maybe even hoping the same thing will happen here, especially if the army are called in?


Worst scenario, Robert Mugabe offering support for the insurgents OMG

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It won't happen in this country because most people can't be bothered. It's always been like that, no matter how much sky news want to big it up. I feel for the car owners and shop keepers and hope they are insured adequately. But it won't last. September, they're all back at school.

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Its moving fast on the news, and if the posting on the forum is anything to go by its snowballing faster than any topic I remember, so people are getting involved even if its just sat at the keyboard for now.

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This I fear could be a growing problem in future summers, especially if the weather is warm and dry - bored kids smashing up shops, looting and setting buildings on fire.


Lets hope future summers are a washout, and we get a freezing cold winter. Can't see these mummys boys wanting to be out on a cold night causing mayhem.


When we find them, if they are on benefits - lets simply stop their money as punishment

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It won't happen in this country because most people can't be bothered. It's always been like that, no matter how much sky news want to big it up.


See my signature... ;)


A few of my FB friends have put things like "OMG! This is crazy! Time to call in the army!" and I just wonder if we did that, would Colonel Gadaffi and other Arab leaders organise a bombing campaign on our military resources

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