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Riots curfew and v for vendetta

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The army should be deployed, they are best and most qualified people to quell civil unrest! The government have to do something, quick!


You're forgetting something. If the army are deployed then they might harm the rioters, which would violate their human rights.

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there is only one answer to all this, good old fashioned national service, not the crap they are suggesting these days, the stuff that used to happen in world war times


once that has been achieved, bring back the death penalty, anyone in prison who has killed more than one person, must be killed off, that will clear the cells for this scum to be put in


also, there must be a national curfew, the parents must be accounted for, and if their kids are the ones responsible for all this then they must have their benefits taken off them and the kids must do 5 years maximum


also, if you are a parent of a child who has magically come home with a new television or designer clothes, you would have to be the blindest and dumbest person in the world to not accuse your child of looting, there must be open eyes and common sense to all this


our country = thick clueless <REMOVED>


Jason Willey for Prime Minister, that's what I say!!!

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I, for one, am proud of the Sheffield youth for not kicking off last night.


Just look at Birmingham, Liverpool, Bristol and Nottingham. Could easily have joined in with the chaos.


Of course, tonight is another night...


the saddest statement for a long time, you are proud they didn't act like criminal idiots?

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Who is going to start manufacturing portable prisons?


400 ft of 4 inch chain with shackles every 4 ft would provide a means of handling 100 prisoners. At night, the end could be fastened to a large immovable object and during the day you would have a good old-fashioned chain gang.

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400 ft of 4 inch chain with shackles every 4 ft would provide a means of handling 100 prisoners. At night, the end could be fastened to a large immovable object and during the day you would have a good old-fashioned chain gang.


I just started a thread in the business section.



After thinking through various ideas, I came on the idea of a converted truck trailer?

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there is only one answer to all this, good old fashioned national service, not the crap they are suggesting these days, the stuff that used to happen in world war times ...


Who is going to run this National Service? Professional soldiers are too thinly stretched already.


the parents must be accounted for, and if their kids are the ones responsible for all this then they must have their benefits taken off them and the kids must do 5 years maximum




Easier said than done. I wonder how many of those kids even know who their fathers are?

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