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Living in the City centre.

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Many years ago (1958 - 1963) I attended the City Grammar School in Leopold street. One of my dreams was to retire into one of the flats above a supermarket on Pinstone street facing the Peace Gardens. Is this supermarket still there? I can't remember the name of it after all these years! My thoughts behind this was that everything you needed could be found within a tram ride of the place; pubs, shopping, indoor and outdoor markets and more green spaces than you could wish for.


However, after all these years and now living in rural Brittany it is no more than a pipe dream! Would it still be a good idea do you think? Perhaps if I won the Euro lottery?



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No, not a good idea, for heavens sake, don't come back here, its a dump ... stay in Brittany.

The supermarket is still there opposite the Peace Gardens, yes, but during the summer the once sedate Peace Gardens takes on the look of Skegness sea front!

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Strange as it may seem I live in the flat you fancy!!!!


But i agree its not a good idea, it was fine until the council, in its wisdom withdrew the night security men who used to patrol through Barkers Pool, the Peace Gardens and down to the Midland Station. Although nothing really bad has happened YET the atmosphere at night is becoming more threatening. I work until late and walk through the town in the hours when those at the council who make these decisions are in bed.


Its a shame that after they had created a safe and secure environment for people like me who work, and the the thousands who enjoy the City Centre at night, the security guys have been dropped apparently without a word of thanks for the sake of saving a minescule amount of mney compard to the millions that are squandered every year by succesive councils.


No, not a good idea, for heavens sake, don't come back here, its a dump ... stay in Brittany.

The supermarket is still there opposite the Peace Gardens, yes, but during the summer the once sedate Peace Gardens takes on the look of Skegness sea front!

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