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Economy nose-diving under ConDems policies

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I may be no lover of the current government, but if we'd stuck with the Labour economic policies we'd be in the same state as Greece now.


Production declines, trade gaps and market falls have far more to do with the problems in America than could be attributed to the current UK economic policy

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We all knew what was going to happen if the Tories got in, but it didn't stop people voting for them, or at least to give them a slight advantage rather than electing them right out. Therefore, the people who voted for them had already accepted what was going to happen and they will have that on their conscience; well they should if they are considerate human beings. The rest of us will have to suffer.

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I may be no lover of the current government, but if we'd stuck with the Labour economic policies we'd be in the same state as Greece now.


Production declines, trade gaps and market falls have far more to do with the problems in America than could be attributed to the current UK economic policy


Where is your evidence to support your argument?

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Erm, America losing it's aaa rating and markets going into meltdown ? Greece pretty much bankrupt, Italy and Spain staring down the barrel but the eurozone can't afford to bail them out ?


I didnt vote for either party, but I do know the riots and to a certain extent the economic downturn aren't down to the Tories, and large chunks of it ain't down to labour either.


Oh, the reason I didn't vote for either is they just use horrible situations like this to score political points rather than come up with something constructive.

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Where is your evidence to support your argument?


Simple really, the last Government tried a Keynesian method to spend their way out of recession, but underestimated the global situation - they spent till there was nothing left to use


So Camerons lot had only one option, cut deficit - or else the IMF would have lowered our credit rating, increased the interest on our borrowing and left us in the same situation as the poorer Eurozone countries

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Where is your evidence to support your argument?


I know for a fact that Labour planned to spend and spend on new schools if they'd won the election. I've no gripe with spending where its needed but in many cases it wasn't. I saw an old but good solid school demolished and completely rebuilt with £2 million of IT infrastructure, including CISCO bank grade networking - completely over the top.


They also had no plans to abandon the ID card and a number of other projects.

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Simple really, the last Government tried a Keynesian method to spend their way out of recession, but underestimated the global situation - they spent till there was nothing left to use


So Camerons lot had only one option, cut deficit - or else the IMF would have lowered our credit rating, increased the interest on our borrowing and left us in the same situation as the poorer Eurozone countries


if the countries in turmoil, why not just legalise drugs, we'd be out of this debt in less than 2 years

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The currency you use is like fecal matter lying in the street. Constantly being degraded until it isn't there anymore.


The economy ain't going to pick up when people are being rewarded with piles of fecal matter that is being constantly degraded by flies.


If you earned something of value for working, then maybe the economy could improve.


When you get paid in £sterling you have to spend it ASAP before it is devalued.

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Simple really, the last Government tried a Keynesian method to spend their way out of recession, but underestimated the global situation - they spent till there was nothing left to use


So Camerons lot had only one option, cut deficit - or else the IMF would have lowered our credit rating, increased the interest on our borrowing and left us in the same situation as the poorer Eurozone countries


I've been trying to understand why we're in such a financial mess, and what I've read on the BBC website supports what you've just said.


'Between 1998 and 2006, the high-savings economies - China, Japan, Germany - produced $1 trillion a year more than they consumed; and those of us in the rich deficit countries increased our indebtedness by $1tn a year to buy the stuff they produced.


Those so-called imbalances have not been corrected. Our lifestyles in the UK, US and much of the eurozone are still financed on cheap money, much of it in effect recycled from the savings of the countries that sell to us. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-14457915


To my understanding, this means that if we'd (UK) taken a more careful approach we might not be in this mess, but as it is we have to cut our spending in order to survive. Of course there will be casualties, people losing their jobs etc., but I also know people who have mortgages at extremely low interest rates so have much cheaper housing costs than previously.


I don't see how we can blame a fairly recently elected government (of whatever colour) for events that have been threatening for a long time.

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From your link:




"Plunging equity markets" would lead me to believe that this is a worldwide thing.

Your link to the government and attempt to blame them is very weak.


Don't be silly, it was only a worldwide problem when Labour where in power and how could they be at fault. Now that the Tory's are in Government it's suddenly not a worldwide problem and all the Tories fault.

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