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Economy nose-diving under ConDems policies

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The national debt is still increasing under the tories and will continue to do so.

The problem is not the debt but the lack of growth to pay the debt.


And this thread is not about Labour policies it is about Tory policies so I suggest you stay on topic. If you want to to talk about Labour policies I suggest you start a thread.


Facile argument. Between 2000 and 2008 the national debt grew from 35% to 38%. The real increase came from 2008 onwards, dealing with the impact of the global financial crisis.


The only way to get out of debt is to grow the economy. Fact. The coalition has thrown growth into reverse.


This thread was about how Tory policy is 'ruining' the economy. The policy of spending cuts to slow down and eventually control the growth of the defecit and national debt - not something that can be achieved overnight.


If the Tories had continued governing as Labour had been, then we may not have the cuts, but we'd have further unsustainable increase in debt/defecit. (is that ok with you Mecky, do I have your permission to contribute now??!)


The global markets at the minute are too fragile for any government to force growth, and further spending in order to grow the economy will only worsen our situation. We need to take stock and sit tight until the global markets stabalise.


Only a (bitter) fool would try to blame the current government (after one year) of not being able to buy our way out of this mess.

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