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Leadmill - 25 Years - your fave gigs??


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I've got 6 mp3's if you want them e-mailing or something. 3 of them are the internet only EP.


Internet EP


1. Morning After (3:27)

2. Until You Leave (2:36)

3. Bring Your Cup (3:17)




1. Best Laid Plans (3:36)

2. Jailbird (4:31)

3. Soap In A Bathtub (4:31)


If you want any sending to you just PM me or something. Got loads of local stuff aswell if you want any sending. Little Man Tate, Golden Age, Daybreak mp3's. :)

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PULP'S XMAS BALL - December '92 (I think). Great gig. Pulp performed an excellent set. The whole of the Leadmill was decorated with silver foil, which you had to walk through, like a silver tunnel. There was a machine at the end which gave you a really wacky present (like turtle soup for instance)! It was just before Pulp were signed to Island Records.


LOVE WITH ARTHUR LEE - 3 April 2005.


Absolutely great night. The band were absolutely fantastic. Played all the greats, 'Alone Again Or, A House Is Not A Motel, Seven and Seven Is, etc.

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icicle works - motorcycle rider tour '89 or '90


ian mcnabb played for almost three hours.. and still the crowd wanted more !!



gary numan - emotion tour '91 (approx)


used to seeing GN in bigger venues with top light shows, this was one of the best in a smaller more intimate setting.


the tears - april 2005


the return of brett and bernard.. top night and only one suede song.


plus loads more...

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favourite gig? ooh, seen many decent bands down there struggling with the crap sound.


my most memorable night was being assaulted by a female member of staff (my ex) who i refused to speak to after she did the dirty on me. she slapped me twice, i didnt flinch, then she got the bouncers to kick me and my mate out, despite my broken leg(hobbling out under duress) and then when mate told bouncers to be careful with me cos of the leg in plaster, he got a bunch of fives in the face!!


leadmill, great customer service.

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Originally posted by pete_fcs

played there meself twice, once with the "notorious" f*** city s**ters in 1986.....


this one still remains my fave, in a big-headed/ nostalgic/ legendary/ sad-b**tard kind of way....




Didnt you lot used to do a raucous version of Leaving on a Jet Plane? Anyone remember The Bland who used to play about the same time - they were top entertainment!

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