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Pensions are currently being wiped out.

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I think I agree with you. GB TB and his cronies raiding the pension funds and spend spend spend for 13 years


Too late! Damage done!

I don't think T or G B had anything to do with the Visteon ex-workers who are fighting Ford for "mis-selling" their pensions when Visteon was invented and those Ford workers had their contracts changed.



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He abolished ACT to rebalance corporation tax.


Perfectly rational.


The blame for any holes afterwards lies with:

1. Companies

2. Individuals


It was completely wrong for the taxpayer to continue part-funding private pensions.


Well on your rational the shortfall for crown servants/ civil servants final salary pensions will have to be met by tax payers along the way! The input from employees & government is in deficit.....what I ask is it right that non- crown servants subsidize that? (and there are more of them so more out of pocket!)


I'll await my tax reduction or tax increase on crown servants only!

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Well so you think its about the stock market, well dream on.


The reason you pensions are going down, and you should be grateful you have got what is left, is that the banks charge fees for every transaction, so if one buys a share, one fee and then sells it another and with computerised dealing many trades can be made per day as pension funds and such are plundered through fees.


TO the people operating these funds, and it is money for nothing, and their salaries reflect their contempt for the work ethic of the savers.


If you feel it is bad now, just wait a few years, as the pension and savings pots are empties through fees, and not forgetting the banks stuffing these and other funds with ....wait for it....worthless investments..


Its a big joke on you, and if you want to know if its legal then take a look at Greece, Portugal, Ireland and the rest who like you and your life savings were legally swindled out of everything. You just sell worthless bundled up bonds and such, which look good on paper unless you have a PhD in Maths that is, and wait for screams later on when you have made your pile and the pensioners, and savers are fleeced by people far more ambitious, ruthless than you could ever believe possible.

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