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Asda and it's new car parking bays.


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Sounds fine to me! i mean come on, if you park in the space furthest away from the doors the maximum time it can take to get inside must be 40 seconds?


Going off topic a bit, someone told me they have put in some rather big speedbumps. does anyone know how bad these are? because my car dosent like speedbumps!

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Sounds fine to me! i mean come on, if you park in the space furthest away from the doors the maximum time it can take to get inside must be 40 seconds?


Going off topic a bit, someone told me they have put in some rather big speedbumps. does anyone know how bad these are? because my car dosent like speedbumps!


The speed bumps are high and you will notice that already the bottom of cars have dug into the tarmac

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They do have parent and child, but only a few, you're very lucky to get one! They are in the corner over the side near where the cash machines are


I think, but not too sure, that there's also some on the other side. We came across some when the car park was in it's main improvement, so not sure if they're still there.


We always try to park along the path that runs all the way to the back of the car park. That way we can get our kids straight onto the path.

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Just what is it with the new parking bays that have been painted near the entrance to the Handsworth Asda main doors, Parking for cars with Low or Zero emissions. Tax band A & B. Just why do they get priority parking the same as disabled and parent children spaces. Do they think that driving a low emission vehicle means they have difficulty walking to the store entrance. By the way i have been delving into the ins and outs of Parent Children spaces, it appears that you are classed as a child upto the age of 12 years old, after that age no are no longer a child, (Sourced from Google)


If this is true its ridiculous. Priority parking is for the Disabled and Parents with toddlers. I have 3 children aged 12, 11 and 10 and I would never park in a parent and child. I stopped parking in one of those when my youngest was out of his pram so that was aged 18 months ish.

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Maybe the solution is as simple as making the parking spaces larger. I have NEVER understood the reasoning behind constructing a car park and making the spaces not large enough to park and open a car door FULLY. Ok the car park owner gets more cars in with smaller spaces that's obvious, but if I had the choice of supermarkets, I would pick the one who had large spaces against one that had small spaces, it's a no brainer to me.





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