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Asda and it's new car parking bays.


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Surely the point of parent and child spaces is to allow space for a small child in a car seat to be lifted out of the car without knocking others. Therefore, parent and child spaces should only be used when a child under about 3 is a passenger.

There is no need for these spaces to be next to the entrance of the supermarket - these should be reserved for disabled drivers.


This is usually the case. When positioning P&C spaces consideration is given to how the parents can then access the store as safely as possible. This is usually via the nearest pedestrian walkway. Now this can vary on store to store. Some designated spaces aren't positioning directly at the front of the store. In this instance the safest route from car to store with a child is to ensure the spaces are near to the shopfront.


Someone else stated there are no P&C spaces at ASDA..well there are, clearly signposted.


All this aside, I despair at the condemnation of a business trying to offer assistance to a particular shopper. Have you people got nothing better to complain about? It helps someone, at no cost to you or to anyone else so I'm struggling to see the point.

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Can you support that?


I don't have to. Logic dictates such an observation (schools are full, maternity hospitals seem to be doing rather well). Don't see that many severely disabled people about in comparison.

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I know more people with Blue Badges than young children in child seats?


Whereas I'm the polar opposite (almost everyone I know has one or more children, yet I know only one person that holds a blue badge).

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