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Asda and it's new car parking bays.


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People with disabilities may have children, jobs and busy lives too, you have made a big assumption that they don't or can't have any of these things.


Special parking spaces for the disabled is a necessity - special parking spaces for parents with children is a luxury. Disabled parking should be right outside the store - there is no need for parent and child spaces to be anywhere near the entrance .

Parent and child spaces are a relatively recent invention - prior to this, parents and there children coped very well without them albeit meaning a short walk to the store which never did anyone any harm imo.:) I had 3 children under 4 and, on the rare occasions I had the car, managed without the luxury of special parking spaces. True, it would have been nice to have a space a little wider than the average but I lived to tell the tale without too much trauma to me or my children.

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Was going to start a thread but it suggested this.


Of course I'm fully aware any invoice dished out isnt worth the paper it is written on, but how are these" low emission" bays actually "enforced" by the wandering Gestapo that patrol the car park (if any)?

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And whats going to happen to you if you park in one of these bays .... nothing, as the people controlling the store car park can't issue fines? Pointless exercise really.


Exactly, I'm just wondering what criteria the company has when it looks to issue these "invoices" to cars that are parked in the bays that shouldnt be.


I have a Ford Fiesta which isnt classed as low emissions, if I park it in one of these bays then how would they know?

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Isn't that basically what you have spent your entire political life doing?


I'm impressed, it's only taken you 2 1/2 years to think that up and tap it out on your computer. Well done. :thumbsup:

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