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Have we let the Police down?

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Obviously when something like the current riots happen we naturally expect the Police to protect us.


I was watching a Police program the other night and one thing that I was quite shocked by is that the Police really did seem like they couldn't touch or manhandle offenders unless they were attacked or came up against resistance.


It's always been a saying that kids know the Police can't do anything. Even us adults use that one now and again, "You can't touch me officer it's against my rights".


Even last night watching the riots unfold it become apparent that the Police were simply bystanders who were unwilling to put themselves at risk. I asked myself why and earlier I believe I found the answer.


Why the hell would I fire an AEP round (baton gun) in a riot situation? If it goes even slightly wrong and somebody is killed (and it will happen, that 41mm piece of hard plastic can kill you easily) then I will receive no support from the media, politicians, senior police officers or ill informed members of the public. I will be tried by the media and can kiss goodbye to my job/pension/liberty


The above is a quote from an Police officer on this site.


How can we possibly expect the Police to do our dirty work if when things do get dirty they believe won't be supported?

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That was the case yesterday, today will be different. Expect the force back in police force.


But, yeah it's pretty much right, certainly as they aren't backed by the courts. I watched one of these reality cop shows were a teenager caused mayhem in a stolen car nearly killing a couple of pedestrians, and damaging a fair few vehicles, police and civilian. VoiceOver man said he was banned from driving and got community service. Where's the deterrent ?

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That was the case yesterday, today will be different. Expect the force back in police force.


But, yeah it's pretty much right, certainly as they aren't backed by the courts. I watched one of these reality cop shows were a teenager caused mayhem in a stolen car nearly killing a couple of pedestrians, and damaging a fair few vehicles, police and civilian. VoiceOver man said he was banned from driving and got community service. Where's the deterrent ?


Will it really be the case tonight? The officer I quoted didn't seem like he was willing to risk the backlash should anyone get hurt.

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I'd be all for the surgical removal of their thumbs tinfoilhat. Not only would it make hotwiring a car almost impossible, but it'd make texting mates to arrange criminal activity more difficult too

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I think the police stood back (just a tad) because they themselves are under attack from this government with the cuts, and may have just wanted to show Cameron just how much they are needed at times.


I mean who wants to go putting themselves in the line of fire when some of them may not even have jobs further down the line ?


They will bring in specials to do the job on the cheap like they are doing with the TA filling front line work of the armed forces.


The only person job that won't be done by a cheaper replacement is Camerons... I mean he wouldn't leave Clegg anywhere near the driving seat while he was away.

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I'd be all for the surgical removal of their thumbs tinfoilhat. Not only would it make hotwiring a car almost impossible, but it'd make texting mates to arrange criminal activity more difficult too


Yes but that's just stupid and extreme.


It does appear that due to all the kerfuffle that we cause whenever a criminal gets hurt by the Police that now we want them to go in heavy they seem like they don't want to as we will want their heads to roll once we feel safe.

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Many people have been saying it for years, but now we are seeing the fruits of the Human Rights Act. Our justice system is far too soft on those who show it no respect, and our police have become impotent.


I never thought I would find myself saying this, but the time for pussy-footing around is well and truly over, and if the violence continues tonight then it is time to impose marshal law. Get the water cannons and tear gas out, and if that breaches the human rights of the rioters then it's just tough. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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