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Have we let the Police down?

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Many people have been saying it for years, but now we are seeing the fruits of the Human Rights Act. Our justice system is far too soft on those who show it no respect, and our police have become impotent.


this has got nothing to do with the human rights act. our justice system is no softer now than it was 30 years ago.

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this has got nothing to do with the human rights act. our justice system is no softer now than it was 30 years ago.


The courts maybe, but the frontline police are so restricted in what they can do in case they breach anyone's human rights it's ridiculous.


We now have an entire generation of disaffected youngsters, spawned from lazy disinterested parents who probably only gave birth to them so they could get a council house, who have grown up in the belief they can do anything because nobody in authority is allowed to do anything about it.


These kids have zero respect for the law but still expect protection from it when they voluntarily get themselves into trouble. It's the culture of entitlement, fuelled by greed, consumerism and flashy marketing making people believe that society owes them a living.


The country is reaping what it has sown.

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The courts maybe, but the frontline police are so restricted in what they can do in case they breach anyone's human rights it's ridiculous.


We now have an entire generation of disaffected youngsters, spawned from lazy disinterested parents who probably only gave birth to them so they could get a council house, who have grown up in the belief they can do anything because nobody in authority is allowed to do anything about it.


These kids have zero respect for the law but still expect protection from it when they voluntarily get themselves into trouble. It's the culture of entitlement, fuelled by greed, consumerism and flashy marketing making people believe that society owes them a living.


The country is reaping what it has sown.


Hard to disagree with that.

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Obviously when something like the current riots happen we naturally expect the Police to protect us.


I was watching a Police program the other night and one thing that I was quite shocked by is that the Police really did seem like they couldn't touch or manhandle offenders unless they were attacked or came up against resistance.


It's always been a saying that kids know the Police can't do anything. Even us adults use that one now and again, "You can't touch me officer it's against my rights".


Even last night watching the riots unfold it become apparent that the Police were simply bystanders who were unwilling to put themselves at risk. I asked myself why and earlier I believe I found the answer.




The above is a quote from an Police officer on this site.


How can we possibly expect the Police to do our dirty work if when things do get dirty they believe won't be supported?


You have seen the hatred and negativity against the police on here. It's a shame people don't get behind our officers by supporting them in their difficult job.

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Sentencing is surely, as isthe whole given "life" meaning 15 years, but out in 7 or less is a new thing isn't it ?


"Life" in this country has always been, and still is, a misnomer for "detained until you are no longer a theat to society."


The only new thing in recent years so far as that goes, is the introduction of the tariff, which sets a definite minimum number of years before a lifer is even allowed to apply for parole. We never used to have that; they used to be able to apply for parole pretty much the day they walked into jail.

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You have seen the hatred and negativity against the police on here. It's a shame people don't get behind our officers by supporting them in their difficult job.


When you pay the council tax precept to fund them, and they waste their time issuing you with a FPN for cannabis, ignore your call for help when your been burgled and let rioters, riot and loot, is there any wonder?


I fund the police. And judging by the scenes on TV it seems to me they are wasting too much time chasing potheads for petty crime that shouldn't even be classed as a crime in the first place, whilst letting rioters run riot.

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Those Police shows used to be quite good, you saw some justice being metered out. Now, at the end of the program you just hear a list of, released without charge, released without charge, released without charge, released without charge, released without charge... We've seen first hand what some of them have done, yet they get released without charge... Insane!

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When you pay the council tax precept to fund them, and they waste their time issuing you with a FPN for cannabis, ignore your call for help when your been burgled and let rioters, riot and loot, is there any wonder?


I fund the police. And judging by the scenes on TV it seems to me they are wasting too much time chasing potheads for petty crime that shouldn't even be classed as a crime in the first place, whilst letting rioters run riot.


The police are thin on the ground. Unfortunately, your money doesn't go that far and besides, if communities rallied together and worked with the police, they would have an easier job.

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