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Believe and Achieve Retreat Sat 20th Aug - Sunday 21st Aug REDUCED

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We understand that due to short time scale people have found it tricky to commit to a whole weekend so this event has been condensed into a hectic non-stop 2 days! Price slashed to only £97!! Only 5 places left!!


Fed up of never feeling good enough?

Tired of starting the same diet every Monday morning and not seeing any results?

Sick of never feeling happy in your clothes?


Finally, a bootcamp with a difference. We encompass every aspect needed to help you achieve your goals, from fitness training to your own tailored eating plan, nutrition advice and emotional well being.


Join us in the beautiful Peak District where a dedicated team will support you in developing the skills and confidence to help you be the best you can be.


Guaranteed weight loss

• Weight burning exercise sessions with top Sheffield trainers from Prime Mover

Guidance and expertise

• Clear advice on nutrition to maintain optimum health and lose excess weight

• Demonstration cooking lessons, recipe ideas, weekly menus and shopping lists to

show you how to maintain a healthy diet once home


• Set short, medium and long term goals and identify the steps needed to achieve them

• Develop a positive mind set and establish and maintain your motivation

• 1 on 1 coaching session ensuring goals and future steps are clear

Once the course is completed we provide online support and advice

ensuring you have the support you need to achieve your goals and dreams


For more information call 07921089367 or e mail info@believeach​ieve-retreat.co​m

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