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Does household insurance cover riots?

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As far as I remember from when I last read my household insurance cover it excluded cover on riots and civil commotion. If that's the case then how are the people who are burned out of their homes ever going to get back on their feet?

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A lot of policies do have civil unrest, riot and the like covered under their force majeure exclusions, and I was wondering the same as you earlier on.


If some braindead vandal has come along and set your house and car on fire as part of the jolly wheeze known as a riot and your insurance is null and void because of a force majeure exclusion where do you stand? It's not like many people have got £100k in their bank accounts to rebuild their homes, is it?

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This is a completely different situation though, isn't it?


It's hardly saying, 'I didn't think of having insurance before- will you help me by giving me replacements for my lost things?' is it?


She didn't have insurance for arson.


The major damage caused by the rioters has been through arson.


I suppose we should ask all victims if they have had a holiday to turkey to work out whether they are deserving or undeserving poor due to the actions of criminals.

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