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A Sad Upsetting Experience!

old tup

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This is one thing I,m glad didn,t happen to me,its another story about an HGV driver who was a workmate of mine at Fletchers Frozen Foods.I wont give his name,he wouldn,t thank me!.He was on the Scotland run,East Kilbride,Glasgow,and areas around there,he was a good way into his run I don,t know the location.He was on an A road a long straight stretch when he saw a man in the distance jumping back and forth at the roadside,as he reached him without warning the man leaped in front of my mates rig.Every wheel ran over him cab and trailer weighing over 40tons plus,he stopped the rig and walked back,by then another wagon had stopped shielding the body.This driver shouted to him[stay there mate you don,t want to see this!].The police and services were called and he phoned the firm and told them,they wanted to send a relief driver and bring him back because of the trauma.He insisted carrying on with his run,at the days end he couldn,t sleep thinking about it,he layed on the cabs bed staring at the ceiling all night long.God knows what drove that poor bloke to kill himself,but he could have spared my friend all the trauma,I suppose that was the last thing on his mind,a sad episode indeed!:(:confused::huh:

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People who commit suicide like this are very selfish. If people want to end their lives they should do so with the minimum inconvenience to other people, especially the emergency services, users of public transport and motorways and people going about their everyday business like your friend. It makes me angry.

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I do not think suicide cases have anything else on their mind when they are about to kill themselves. It maybe inconsiderate of them and not very correct but when someone gets to this state, I think we should not be thinking about the general public's convenience. Just have a thought for this poor soul.

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I'm sorry but I still think these people are unbelievably selfish- they have no consideration for the needs and feelings of those that are left behind to clear up the mess and possibly carry the emotional psychological scars for the rest of their lives.

I feel that it must drive the emergency services mad when they have to spend time and money on these people when there might be sick and injured elsewhere who need their help.

I know this might sound harsh to some but I think it is a taboo subject rarely discussed objectively- often these people are just seeking attention and need help to lead productive and useful lives rather than going on about how their lives are worthless etc.

Many people don't have a choice- their lives are taken away from them either through illness or tragic accident and it makes me mad when I hear about suicides.

Poor souls? Yes, there are many of those struggling with difficult circumstances who realise that trying to get on with the life you have been given is a much better way than throwing yourself off a motorway bridge at rush hour.

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You seem to miss the point, Most of the people who commit suicide are in such a mental they cannot thing about all the right things they should do in considerastion of others.


They need help before the act of suicide and thankfully there are some hardworking thoughtful people who spend their lives helping other people in such a mental state.


It is ok for people likre yourself who can rationalise and take other people into consideration but just think on many of these people are unable to do that.


I do hope you never find yourself in circumstances where you cannot get help and you are not in control of your mental state, it is so easy to judge when you are fully compus mentus.

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my partner commited suicide, did not inconvenience any public services,but the effect on me and my children was devastating. I spent a long time with him prior to the actual event trying to talk him out of it, thought that i had done so but the very same night he shot himself It was a selfish and cowardly act,

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People who commit suicide like this are very selfish. If people want to end their lives they should do so with the minimum inconvenience to other people, especially the emergency services, users of public transport and motorways and people going about their everyday business like your friend. It makes me angry.


Although it may seem selfish, having been there, its the most horrible situation a person can find themselves in. In fact most people feel the world and the people around them would be much better if they were dead, so in some ways they think they are being selfless. They are so low! So low that unless a person has been in that position it is beyond explaination. Its a feelin of complete and utter emptiness, loneliness and like inside your dead already. It feels like you just want the pain to stop, the heavy aching heart which NEVER stops aching, a feeling that your making peoples lives a miserery and being a burden, a feeling that you insides are crying. Sometimes knowing that if you died alone in your house noone would find you for weeks. It may be selfish in some Ways but for a person to feel how ive just described, that selfishness should be excused.

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I'm sorry but I still think these people are unbelievably selfish- they have no consideration for the needs and feelings of those that are left behind to clear up the mess and possibly carry the emotional psychological scars for the rest of their lives.

I feel that it must drive the emergency services mad when they have to spend time and money on these people when there might be sick and injured elsewhere who need their help.

I know this might sound harsh to some but I think it is a taboo subject rarely discussed objectively- often these people are just seeking attention and need help to lead productive and useful lives rather than going on about how their lives are worthless etc.

Many people don't have a choice- their lives are taken away from them either through illness or tragic accident and it makes me mad when I hear about suicides.

Poor souls? Yes, there are many of those struggling with difficult circumstances who realise that trying to get on with the life you have been given is a much better way than throwing yourself off a motorway bridge at rush hour.


Oh if everything in life could be as black and white as it is in your mind! :roll:

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