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A Sad Upsetting Experience!

old tup

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I'm sorry but I still think these people are unbelievably selfish- they have no consideration for the needs and feelings of those that are left behind to clear up the mess and possibly carry the emotional psychological scars for the rest of their lives.

I feel that it must drive the emergency services mad when they have to spend time and money on these people when there might be sick and injured elsewhere who need their help.

I know this might sound harsh to some but I think it is a taboo subject rarely discussed objectively- often these people are just seeking attention and need help to lead productive and useful lives rather than going on about how their lives are worthless etc.

Many people don't have a choice- their lives are taken away from them either through illness or tragic accident and it makes me mad when I hear about suicides.

Poor souls? Yes, there are many of those struggling with difficult circumstances who realise that trying to get on with the life you have been given is a much better way than throwing yourself off a motorway bridge at rush hour.


It seems to me that you are not distinguishing between the cries for help and the poor people who are so distresses that they cannot see any reason to carry on, and yes you do seem to be very harsh in your judgement.

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