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Coca-Cola addiction.

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Hello buck! Where is there a Dunkin' Donuts close to us? I never heard anyone speak of their coffee before.


The first time I gave up smoking I avoided coffee like the plague as they went side by side but now I work in (an obviously non-smoking) office. (Smoking in the office. Those were the days!)

Hi Eurovision, I don't know of any DD places in UK. I live in America, where there are lots of them, Praise be.:)
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Well, people have different tastes. Relentless is a bit too acidic for me, it's got a bit of a sharp taste like the cheap energy drinks. Tastes like there's more sugar in red bull & monster. Energy drinks can't really quench your thirst like a coke can though, drink a couple of cans of relentless too quick & i'm getting palpitations from all the caffeine. Red Bull Cola is good too, but not like coke, it's different.


It's the 3 litre bottles of coke that cause addiction I found. When you see those cheap & there's only you that drinks it in the house ... old flat coke is never as good, so it just encourages you to drink it while it's still fresh. 2 litre per day is about my limit, I used to have more than that & it definitely isn't good for me. I probably average about 1 litre per day now.


Coke tastes better from glass bottles too, then cans, then plastic is never as good. Can't understand those 500ml plastic coke bottles, 2 litres is only 20p more usually. Got to be full strength normal coke or cherry coke too, don't like diet, or pepsi, or caffeine free.


I sometimes go through lucozade phases too. I think it's the sugar more than the caffeine.


I can't drink tea with sugar in though.

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