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Coca-Cola addiction.

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Coca-Cola is good for un-crudding blocked up window washer jets and cleaning old coins...


Can't see any excess consumption could be good for you...:o


I read an articale a few years about Coca Cola & the effects it has on your body etc. What was interesting to find out was that Coke is used in toilets to clean. Ouch :gag:

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Has to be a can of diet coke for me, never regular, it makes me turn inside out with how sweet it is. Always has to be a can as well, none of this bottled stuff, even when it's 4 for a quid in poundland, i'll struggle to drink it warm!


Best hangover cure ever too!

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Has to be a can of diet coke for me, never regular, it makes me turn inside out with how sweet it is.


I agree at how sweet Coca-Cola is after drinking Diet Coke.


Best hangover cure ever too!


Coca-Cola is the best hangover cure ever. I never find Diet Coke hits the spot.

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I haven't read all of the thread. I had a coca cola addiction.

I'd kid myself I didn't, but would have loads every day. I'd have probably 1-2 500ml bottles in the day whilst out, and then drink a pint or so at home. I worked out I was drinking up to 2 litres a day, thus adding on almost 900 calories per day onto an already unhealthy diet.

I'm happy to drink diet coke, maybe 1 per day, although I do want to cut that down too.


Coke contributed to my weight problem, amongst other lifestyel choices. I've made a lot of changes lately and am happy to say after a week to 10 days of headaches, stroppiness and physical craving, I kicked it. 3 weeks on I've not had any. I don't even fancy it. I had a swig of full fat sprite the other day and the sweet flavour made me want to vomit!


I'm not sure if I've lost any weight, although people keep telling me I look healthier, and I am full of energy at the moment- to the stage where I was helping clean my friends house the other day, and was at it for a good couple of hours. Her fella and my fella were just watching me in amusement, shaking their heads. I have gone down a dress size-although its not much to write home about as I still have a fair few to go! I feel less bloated and more mobile.


The fella has also stopped and he has visibly lost weight as a result. A work mate who he not seen in 3 weeks as he is temporarily at another store, made a comment to him a couple of days ago that he has lost some.


It's nasty stuff. Sure, tastes great, but makes your teeth furry, and makes you crave it. I used to wake up wanting a swig. Even worse if I'd had a skin full the night before. A can of coke sorted me out.. which would lead to about 3-4 cans on "hangover day". Lets not talk about that time of month either!!!

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