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How soon to send invites?

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I'm getting married in March, ages still, I know :hihi:


I had already wriiten out all my damn invitiations, and have to do them again, as I've delayed the wedding (from Nov)


The date coincides with my OH's Great Auntie and Uncles 50th wedding anniversary (spooky) so MILTB wants me to get her side of the family's invites out pretty soon, before they make other arrangements for this special occassion. Thats fine, I'll get those ones out a bit sooner.


When would you suggest I send the rest of them though? 3 months before? 2 months before? Sooner? :help:

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three months before is going to be Christmas for you, so it'll have to be after that, else they'll wind up overlooked and in the bin with the Christmas cards! I'd send them out the second week in January :thumbsup:


I think the usual is six weeks


To be on the safe side, send out 'save the date' cards now :)

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I would send them out all at the same time. Unless you can guarantee one side of the family won't talk to the other.


One of my cousins is getting married in a few months time. My mother received an invite and asked if I had - which I hadn't. My mum then asked my Auntie if me and my sister were invited and she was told yes the invite included all the family. My mother's invite was for the day. Several weeks later I received a separate evening invite, I thought it looks like they weren't really going to invite us until my mum said anything, hence the late invite.


Later it turned out they had sent all the evening invites out after the main day ones. But it did look like to start with that the invite was an after thought.

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I agree with Strix, the best thing at this early stage is to send save the date invites. You can make them different for the wedding, and evening only, just as you would with the invites.


We made fridge magnets as people can't resist putting them up, and it's then a constant reminder ;)


They're really easy to make, just get some magnetic paper (ebay is cheap enough) choose a design, then use http://www.avery.co.uk/avery/en_gb/Templates-&-Software to create a template for business cards (perfect size) and away you go :)


You could alternatively use Vistaprint, but I found they worked out a lot more expensive :)





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I would send them out all at the same time. Unless you can guarantee one side of the family won't talk to the other.


One of my cousins is getting married in a few months time. My mother received an invite and asked if I had - which I hadn't. My mum then asked my Auntie if me and my sister were invited and she was told yes the invite included all the family. My mother's invite was for the day. Several weeks later I received a separate evening invite, I thought it looks like they weren't really going to invite us until my mum said anything, hence the late invite.


Later it turned out they had sent all the evening invites out after the main day ones. But it did look like to start with that the invite was an after thought.


Oh the family won't speak to each other, my side haven't met his side, except his Mum, once :hihi:


His parents have been divorced about 15 years, and the invites MIL wants sent early are for her aunties and cousins, who have probably, again, never met, or haven't seen in 30 years at least (since his parents married), his Dad's side. I think I will just get them all out at once though, maybe in October... They are mostly for family, so they're not likely to forget (I hope!) x


The save the date cards / magnets are a good idea, but its all extra time and expense, which I don't really want. Would like OH's family to be able to come though, as hes hardly inviting anyone, the list is probably 80% my side.

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Well if no one is going to speak to each other then I would send them out a couple of months before your wedding. Agree with Strix about sending them out at Christmas, they might get accidentally put in the blue box with all the Christmas cards.

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