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Thanks a bunch Labour.

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putting out the message that "home is where the heart is" and traditional family values are outmoded bourgeois nonsense.


Disempowering schools/teachers, police and even parents, making kids totally out of control.


Creating a lazy underclass that have their rents paid for them by the taxpayer and live a charmed life on all sorts of different benefits.



Thanks. Thanks a bunch for the social decay.




You seem to be blaming the government for a decline in family values. That responibility always lies with the parents

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You seem to be blaming the government for a decline in family values. That responibility always lies with the parents


What if their parents where no better in the first place? It has to start somewhere.

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You seem to be blaming the government for a decline in family values. That responibility always lies with the parents


Benefits being a long term lifestyle choice and the non-judgementalism of, basically, low lives, is the legacy of the last Labour government, and the effects of it are coming home to roost now big time.

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The violent anarchy that has taken hold of British cities is the all-too-predictable outcome of a three-decade liberal experiment which tore up virtually every basic social value.



Three decades would be 30 years of Thatcherite governments, Tory and Labour. So is the Mail saying that Thatcher carried out a liberal experiment? I know that paper is written by the insanely right-wing but that really is unfathomable. Does the Mail no longer worship Thatcher? You can't go any further right without bumping into the BNP so insanity seems to be spreading at the Mail.

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Three decades would be 30 years of Thatcherite governments, Tory and Labour. So is the Mail saying that Thatcher carried out a liberal experiment? I know that paper is written by the insanely right-wing but that really is unfathomable. Does the Mail no longer worship Thatcher? You can't go any further right without bumping into the BNP so insanity seems to be spreading at the Mail.


Labour didn't need to be in government to inflict their cultural damage; is it just a coincidence that just about all the hell holes of Britain are Labour heartlands were the local authorities are run by "progressive" lefties?

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What if their parents where no better in the first place? It has to start somewhere.


No government can legislate family values any more than they can pass laws requiring two parents to stay together while raising kids.


It's unfortunate that some parents are no good either and too many inner city kids these days come from one parent homes but that's a situation beyond the power of the government to control.


Not providing social assistance would only make the situation worse. A few decades ago kids without much of an education could get work in factories but all those jobs have disappeared or gone overseas.


I dont know where society is going what with one thing and another but I wouldnt have any answer for it

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No government can legislate family values any more than they can pass laws requiring two parents to stay together while raising kids.



No they can't you're right, but New Labours non-judgemental, bordering on encouraging attitude towards people leading infra dig transiant lifestyles and giving them a dependancy on benefits just exacerbated the problem.

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No they can't you're right, but New Labours non-judgemental, bordering on encouraging attitude towards people leading infra dig transiant lifestyles and giving them a dependancy on benefits just exacerbated the problem.


Is this thread about The Labour Party or New Labour?

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After hearing Harriet Harman and Ken Livingstone interviewed about the riots I was disgusted to hear them trying to score party political points

Ed Milliband has grown in stature in my opinion after hearing his speech today and his pledge to work with the Conservatives to improve the country. He did not blame the Tories.

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