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After hearing Harriet Harman and Ken Livingstone interviewed about the riots I was disgusted to hear them trying to score party political points

Ed Milliband has grown in stature in my opinion after hearing his speech today and his pledge to work with the Conservatives to improve the country. He did not blame the Tories.


True, but remember the petrol protests in 2000/2001, plenty of Tories were making political capital out of Labour's difficulties.

I hold no brief for the rioters there is no excuse, and they should come down on them like a ton of bricks; but it is interesting when a Tory commentator or journalist uses the riots as a means to criticise the welfare state, the 1960s or the Labour Party nobody accuses them of trying to advance a political point.

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The whole bunch of them are not fit for purpose, here is just one example, Peter Mandelson, at one time this guy was,


First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills and Lord President of the Council.


He lost his job twice, once in 1998 for not declaring a loan he was given to buy a house, and once in 2001 for trying to arrange a passport for an Indian businessman who had given £1,000,000 to the Labour party.


A wonderful example of our MP's, of course he was made a Lord by Bliar.


The whole 650 of them are not fit to run a whelk stall in outer mongolia.






why should they? lose their job-golden hand shake!! we lose our job through no fault of our own -big kiss off????

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I'm no Labour lover but recent events go well beyond blaming any political party.


I blame all of them. They've all played their part in creating the conditions for this over the last 30-40 years.


Cameron has a great opportunity to start a process of reversing the problems but it seems to be more clap the irons on, get the lid on and forget it ever happened. Big mistake.

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True, but remember the petrol protests in 2000/2001, plenty of Tories were making political capital out of Labour's difficulties.

I hold no brief for the rioters there is no excuse, and they should come down on them like a ton of bricks; but it is interesting when a Tory commentator or journalist uses the riots as a means to criticise the welfare state, the 1960s or the Labour Party nobody accuses them of trying to advance a political point.

My view is that at times like this all politicians need to work for the good of the country and not use peoples misery to score cheap political points about issues which in my opinion have nothing whatsoever to do with the criminality we have witnessed. It appeared that Livingston and Harman's main aim in life was to see this as an opportunity to push their agenda to discredit and blame the Tories.

Michael Gore stood out head and shoulders on the Newsnight interview between himself and Harriett Harman.

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I'm no Labour lover but recent events go well beyond blaming any political party.


recent events are to do with all the parties, there are no jobs for people, manufacturing-gone,mines-gone,steel-gone,engineering-gone, construction on its knees. someone said to me today that this country has become one giant service provider and the only people that this helps is the banks. well should we all become bankers????? all the parties are guilty of ruining this country and god help us if we join the EURO!!!!

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recent events are to do with all the parties, there are no jobs for people, manufacturing-gone,mines-gone,steel-gone,engineering-gone, construction on its knees. someone said to me today that this country has become one giant service provider and the only people that this helps is the banks. well should we all become bankers????? all the parties are guilty of ruining this country and god help us if we join the EURO!!!!


Thanks for that ab6262.

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I think we have reached a stage now where the ruling government, and it is irrelevant that it happens to be the Conservative Lib Dem coalition need to show that they can protect the citizens of the country and start acting in a way that reflect the wishes of the citizens. David cameron made a fine speech today in parliament as did Ed Milliband. Let's hopethey follow through with actions.

If there is no change it will leave the country with no credible party among the major ones and leave a vacume for a more extremme party to fill that promise to make changes.

That is why I believe there will be changes after this weeks events and we will see changes in various areas.

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