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Benefit systems

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Just watching BBC News and they are at a refugee camp (In Ethiopia, full of Somalis) which gets lots and lots of aid, but the people interviewed had been there 20 years, but are still taking daily handouts of food, have free accommodation and health care.


I'm not against aid, but that seems a little bit better than the benefit system here since it's less regulated and no incentive to work?


A4E style charity don't work.


Run it as a business, and those running it have an incentive to keep it going and extract evermore.


Back in the day building societies aimed to dissolve after housing their members.


Now they have sold out and offer B2L financial products.


Savers are financing their own slavery.


Yorkshire building society sold out last week.

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...and yet the three strongest nations on earth who managed to defeat the Nazis in WW2 (Russia, USA and Britain) cannot send in a squadron of Paras, a few jets and tanks, and sort out this 10-year running sore once and for all...

What more evidence do we need to prove that Britain for one, MUST have the two new aircraft carriers now threatened by cutbacks?


Hmm, and what have we done with Iraq and Afghanistan?? A 10 year occupation, which cost us billions.

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  • 6 months later...

I had JSA for 5 and a half nearly 6 months from March 2010 to July 2010. I was so fed up with how I beng treated by the DWP when I went down there, that I complained as on my last visit they told me that my JSA would be stopped. They probably did send me a letter but their letters are never straighforward to understand and are very confusing same as HMRC correspondance they send out.


I asked the lady what I was suppose to do now?? as apparently and this to me is the joke please be sitting for this people according to the DWP I had only contributed enough through working to have 6 months JSA. I asked her what about all the people who have never ever worked and have been claiming for up to 10 years or more?? they have never contributed so how come they could sponge off other people in society all their lives and get away with it?? sickening just so sickening another slap in the face for the honest hardworking person in society. The icing on the cake though from this joke of an organisation came when I recieved a letter that I still have stating THAT JSA IS TAXABLE AND I HAVE TO PAY THEM BACK £700+ POUNDS THAT I HAD I THOUGHT IT WAS APRIL FOOLS DAY. Don`t worry they got a letter from me stating that I was British and last time I looked they were there to help others like me who were genuinely in a difficult position, there is enough foreigners claiming working and sending money back home, living in our council houses, enough people with children who do not work and get all the help. I am not saying that all people with children do not want to help themselves but most don`t have to as the state goes a bit easier on them than everyone else same as foreigners.


I now I have to have dealings with the DWP again because I have been out of work for 3 years I am looking at a training course, as am having no luck finding a job. To recieve funding as I cannot afford to pay for the course as it costs thousands I need the jobseekers agreement, so it all rests on whether or not I am eligable to claim again if not I cannot do this course which would help me get back into work, which really the Jobcentre should help me with as they want people to get back into employment.


Its like you are damned if you and you are damned if you don`t. You cannot do right for doing wrong either way if I cannot undertake this course I will have to ask the DWP for an alternative course to help me get back into work as it is a viscious unfair circle if you are unemployed I think. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :roll: :roll:

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I asked the lady what I was suppose to do now?? as apparently and this to me is the joke please be sitting for this people according to the DWP I had only contributed enough through working to have 6 months JSA. I asked her what about all the people who have never ever worked and have been claiming for up to 10 years or more??


Their claim is for income-based JSA, which is not limited to time. Yours was for contribution-based JSA, which is only available (if at all) for a specific duration, the exact duration depending on how many contributions you have made.


Contribution-based JSA is payable regardless of any other income you have. income-based JSA (obviously!) is not. If your contribution-based claim had expired and you had no other income, you should have been told to claim income-based JSA instead.



None of this, though, has anything to do with the OP which is talking about Africa; it is unfortunate that his choice of thread title has misled many.

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Oh right thanks they did not tell me that arseholes typical useless DWP rant rant. I know I thought this thread was about the benefits system otherwise I would not have posted in this forum sorry about that, I wonder why the thread is entitled benefits system then?? :confused: :confused: :cool: :cool:

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Its like you are damned if you and you are damned if you don`t. You cannot do right for doing wrong either way if I cannot undertake this course I will have to ask the DWP for an alternative course to help me get back into work as it is a viscious unfair circle if you are unemployed I think. :rant: :rant: :mad: :mad: :roll: :roll:


I walked past the job centre round the back of The Star building last week. The police had just arrived to deal with 5 druggies who had dropped an incredible amount of litter on the floor. They were all off their faces but had no doubt signed on to receive their 'Job Seekers Allowance'.


In the US, 21 states have made it mandatory to undertake a drugs test before they sign on, based on the obvious truth that if you're drunk/drugged up, you're hardly 'actively seeking work'.


Here, you'd get more dole to feed your habit and you get left well alone (those jobseekers who are white, educated and deemed 'job ready' are sent to serve their sentence at A4e.)

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I walked past the job centre round the back of The Star building last week. The police had just arrived to deal with 5 druggies who had dropped an incredible amount of litter on the floor. They were all off their faces but had no doubt signed on to receive their 'Job Seekers Allowance'.


In the US, 21 states have made it mandatory to undertake a drugs test before they sign on, based on the obvious truth that if you're drunk/drugged up, you're hardly 'actively seeking work'.


Here, you'd get more dole to feed your habit and you get left well alone (those jobseekers who are white, educated and deemed 'job ready' are sent to serve their sentence at A4e.)


In my mind, drug/drink screening should be as mandatory as turning up every 2 weeks.


But then it's not just JSA that needs looking at. This week a disabled guy I know, disabled with spinal issues and has been for the last 25 years was told by the government's health worker (NOT a doctor) that he is fit and healthy therefore has to go on JSA & look for work, despite 2 doctors (Hospital Consultant & GP) saying otherwise.


Meanwhile a fit & healthy neighour whose faking it & has been reported several times gets everything.

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I walked past the job centre round the back of The Star building last week. The police had just arrived to deal with 5 druggies who had dropped an incredible amount of litter on the floor. They were all off their faces but had no doubt signed on to receive their 'Job Seekers Allowance'.


In the US, 21 states have made it mandatory to undertake a drugs test before they sign on, based on the obvious truth that if you're drunk/drugged up, you're hardly 'actively seeking work'.


Here, you'd get more dole to feed your habit and you get left well alone (those jobseekers who are white, educated and deemed 'job ready' are sent to serve their sentence at A4e.)


I agree that someone on drugs is not actively seeking work. But stopping their benefits isn't going to make them clean up their act. They will probably turn to crime to feed their habit making them more of a danger to society. If they're caught they might go to jail, in which case the tax payer pays again.


I really don't know what the solution is...

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I agree that someone on drugs is not actively seeking work. But stopping their benefits isn't going to make them clean up their act. They will probably turn to crime to feed their habit making them more of a danger to society. If they're caught they might go to jail, in which case the tax payer pays again.


I really don't know what the solution is...


I reckon a 9mm might do the trick :hihi:

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