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I had a job interview today..

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Anyone that says that working as a checkout operator is easy obviously has never done the job. Years ago, as a student, I had a Saturday job working on a checkout and it was bloody hard work. Not the actual operation of the checkout but having to be nice and patient to some complete arses of the general public who took it upon themselves to look down on a checkout operator and be as rude/patronising/ignorant as possible.


So I am never, ever condescending about the work retail staff do!!


There are opportunities in supermarkets to work your way up and become a supervisor/manager. If that's what the OP wants. If not, having work experience of working the public, problem solving, thinking on your feet etc, etc, etc are all important transferable skills help build a career!

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Not saying it is not a hard job, just a waste of a youth with no ambition, and the state of this country all we got to offer a young trying girl is a checkout post,

What happens when you are a supervisor extra £1 an hour? if you check out most supermarket, most of the managers are graduates and not promote from checkout

The best that company can offer her if she is good at her job and stays 5years + is £1 over minimum wage

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Not saying it is not a hard job, just a waste of a youth with no ambition, and the state of this country all we got to offer a young trying girl is a checkout post,

What happens when you are a supervisor extra £1 an hour? if you check out most supermarket, most of the managers are graduates and not promote from checkout

The best that company can offer her if she is good at her job and stays 5years + is £1 over minimum wage


But alongside the £1 an hour extra and job security, she will also get more confidence from knowing she is employable, she will make some new friends, it'll get her out of the house, she will be able to treat herself to extras she probably couldn't have had before and she will also have such a sense of pride... whats bad about that? Do you feel proud about claiming money for nothing - or would you rather have 6 months on a wage slightly lower than you are on now, then start working your way up? Even if that doesn't work at least you'd have some more experience on your CV, so when the employer asks what you have been doing the last few years you don't have to say, "nothing, because I didn't think it was worth it".


I know what I'd do and its definately not the former.


Congratulations Missflirt! :)

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Good for you, not everyone wants to be brain surgeons and rocket scientists, ignore people like Dimbat who have no ambition. A job is a job and you have the satisfaction of knowing you are earning your living not sat waiting for the govt to pay you for sat doing nothing. Good luck hope you don't get many stroppy customers.

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its not assumption, just look at her photo, it doesnt take much to work out she is young

i have 4 kids with the benefit i am getting unless the job is £40k+ i will be no better off, much prefer having the time to bring my kids up right so they will not have to work at a supermarket checkout


.............. so by the same token, are you assuming that I look like a monkey?

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its not assumption, just look at her photo, it doesnt take much to work out she is young


i have 4 kids with the benefit i am getting unless the job is £40k+ i will be no better off, much prefer having the time to bring my kids up right so they will not have to work at a supermarket checkout


........ so, you are now saying that people who work on supermarket checkouts have not been brought up properly?


Do us a favour, and in a few years time, get back on here and tell us what jobs your kids will be doing, or will they be following in their father's footsteps, and bleeding the system.


In the meantime, if you can't post anything constructive, stay away!

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:clap::banana: Congratulations!

I'm sure I read somewhere that at the moment, there are on average about 100 applications for every vacant role so you must have knocked their socks off!

Good luck! :)

Thank you, it must be because I am so awesome :hihi:.
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