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Worst excuse to get time off work

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The funniest was when I was working in Chesterfield in the 70's. One of the guys hadn't turned in, it was unusual for him. The phone rang and it was him calling from a public phone box in St Pancras. He has pulled a girl in Sheffield the previous evening, gone back to her place, did the deed and got on the train to get him to Chesterfield station, having had no sleep he dozed off and ended up in London. :hihi:


ROFL! It could happen that! :hihi:

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I know someone who didn't turn up for a night shift once because she hadn't had time for an afternoon nap earlier.


I also know of someone who tried to get carers leave because her friend had been burgled!

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Some off the staff where I work have used these


My cat has been run over


What is wrong with someone not going into work because their cat has been run over? It happened to me and I was inconsolable. I used my annual leave though. Hardly think it is a bad reason to be off work though :loopy:

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I worked with someone who was constantly off and who once took five days illness in one week with a different excuse for each day. One of them was that he had been attacked by a rottweiler but there wasn't a mark on him. When he left none of his work colleagues turned up to his leaving drink as they kept having to do his work for him. And he left to go to a job where he only got paid if he turned up. When I said that might be a problem for him given his attendance record he couldn't see what I was getting at.


Another bloke was an alcoholic who for months would disappear at lunchtime on pay day and not come back for a week. His girlfriend usd to phone asking if we'd seen him. She told me he'd spend up to £800 over a ten day period in his local - in the 90s. At £2 a pint that was 40 pints a day. He'd come back as if nothing was wrong and just say he had a cold or something.

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Do this


Go to work

Wait a couple of hours

Tell someone you've shat yourself

Go home.


This happened to someone I worked with, he was driving around, and rang up up to speak to the manager, he had to come back to the office becasuse he had soiled himself.

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I once tried to phone in sick, but ended up having to go in anyway :hihi:


I had been out the night before, ended up back at a friends and hadn't got my keys. Not sure if lost them or just expected my housemate to be in. I tried to phone in sick but my manager knew I was fine so made me come in. There was a reason I wanted to go home to get changed though. I was dressed up as Jessie from Toy Story with very short hotpants on under cow print chaps. There was 4 of us in the house and I couldn't get hold of/find anyone else to get in the house. Ended up at work on time, but tried really hard not to leave my desk at all costs.

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