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Anti-Gay groups working with children.

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The children shouldn't really be there in the first place.


Children should not be exposed to religion until they are at least sixteen.


Then they can make their own choices and not be brainwashed or conditioned into believing whatever their parents believe.


There is no such thing as a "muslim child" "catholic child" "sikh child". Just a child whose had their parents beliefs forced on them and not being able to make their own decision.


That's the job of the parent though, we teach them the same things we believe even if it's not religion; things like using manners, eating healthily, to value things, to try hard at school, to be kind to others etc etc.

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To be honest, really painfully, brutally honest, I don't care.


I'm tired of seeing groups legislate the policy of private companies, or, in fact, anyone.


A hotel doesn't want to let gays stay, that's fine; it's their choice. Same with the SA.


Although, it's NOT their choice any more. Because the choice, and personal freedom, has been taken away from them with this outrageous finger pointing.


The whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion.



I'll second all of that.


I'll also add that no-one seems to be taking notice of the second message in this thread which seems to directly contradict the first. Serial christian bashers might like to read that one.

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Makes you wonder why they single out Homosexuality when they could equally be having a go at:


Women who teach things to men. I Timothy 2:12


Wearing gold or Pearls. I Timothy 2:9


Eating Shellfish or Pork. Leviticus 11:7, 10


Charging interest on loans. Deuteronomy 23:19


Women wearing trousers. Deuteronomy 22:5


Shaving. Leviticus 19:27


Clothes made from mixed fabric. Leviticus 19:19


And so on…


I like it. I wonder if women get a 'trousers' option with the uniform.

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You'd be fine with a '‘No Blacks, No Irish, No Gays’ sign in guesthouse windows and in hotel lobbies then?


Actually, I think people should genuinely be allowed to discriminate (can't believe I just said that). If a hotel owner is a devout Christian, Muslim, etc, then it's only fair that we should uphold his views.


Aren't we supposed to be moving into a world of tolerance and understanding. I remember the gays that sued that B&B, the B&B owners were the nicest people you could wish to meet.


They just didn't approve of the gays!


If I have a party, I get to invite people I like. I shouldn't have to be told who I can and can't invite.

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You'd be fine with a '‘No Blacks, No Irish, No Gays’ sign in guesthouse windows and in hotel lobbies then?


Admittedly, I'd be a tad perplexed about the Blacks and Irish, but I can still most certainly understand why someone might wish to put that - regardless of whether it makes sense to me.

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"I'm tired of seeing groups legislate the policy of private companies, or, in fact, anyone."


Absolutely right! When i set up my company - drop a bomb for jesus - I was appalled at the legislation used to prevent me from making a few quid


I'm interviewing soon and - OH MY GOD - the things I can't ask / do / legislate are outrageous!

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From your link. -


Yes but they quote Jesus on diversity and then quote him again to say they aren't having any homosexuals in their gang. Double standards.


Actually, I think people should genuinely be allowed to discriminate (can't believe I just said that). If a hotel owner is a devout Christian, Muslim, etc, then it's only fair that we should uphold his views.


Aren't we supposed to be moving into a world of tolerance and understanding. I remember the gays that sued that B&B, the B&B owners were the nicest people you could wish to meet.


They just didn't approve of the gays!


If I have a party, I get to invite people I like. I shouldn't have to be told who I can and can't invite.


You aren't providing a service to the general public which tends to consist of men and women (some of whom will be gay and bi) and people from different cultures. Imagine a hotel putting up a sign saying, "No Blacks or Irish".

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the B&B owners were the nicest people you could wish to meet.


No they weren't, they were bigots.


If your home is your business, then you abide by all legislation applicable to your business, or get taken to court.

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